We welcome your enquiry. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to know more about our school or speak to us about enrolling your child into Sacred Heart.
Staff Email Addresses: Parents can access a teacher’s email address via PAM (Parent Access Module), please log in and go to: Documentation for Families.
General Enquiries: (03) 5421 1200
General Fax: (03) 5421 1291
General Enquiries Email: shcadmin@shckyneton.catholic.edu.au
Principal's PA Email: principal@shckyneton.catholic.edu.au
Address: 94 High St, Kyneton, VIC 3444
P.O. Box: 191, Kyneton, VIC 3444
Office Hours:
Mon - Thur 8:00am to 4:30pm
Fri - 8:00am to 4:00pm
Student Absences: Years 7 – 9 | (03) 5421 1223 |
Student Office: Years 7 - 9 | (03) 5421 1208 |
Student Programs Office (including Absences for Years 10, 11 & 12) | (03) 5421 1242 |
Uniform Shop | (03) 7020 2648 |
Arthurson Atrium - Cafeteria | (03) 5421 1260 |
Enrolment Enquiries | (03) 5421 1238 |
Accounts Enquiries | (03) 5421 1241 5421 1218 |
Principal’s PA | (03) 5421 1226 |