Prospectus SCROLL

We welcome you to join our community


Sacred Heart College provides a contemporary Catholic education built on the traditions of Mercy values. We embrace the inclusiveness of our community, which positively contributes to the full personal and spiritual development of each student, by engaging them in a Catholic education committed to love, respect, justice, hope and service.

Enrolment Dates

Year 7  -  2025Applications closed 28 July 2023  -  Please contact the Registrar
Year 7  -  2026Applications closed 26 July 2024, however late applications may be accepted - Please contact the Registrar
Year 7  -  2027

Applications close 25 July 2025

Please feel free to contact our College Registrar & Development Officer, Ms Rowena Rokesky-Alder, to discuss your enrolment enquiry. Sacred Heart College welcomes all Enrolment Applications for Year 7 to Year 12, and we look forward to assisting you with your enrolment process.

Enrolment process

Step 1

Families are encouraged to submit the Enrolment Application Form to the College, along with the associated documents which specified on the checklist (found on page 1 of the Enrolment Form).  A non-refundable Enrolment Fee of $100.00 is payable upon the submission of the Application Form, with all supporting documents.

Step 2

Years 7 to 12 2025:

Applications are welcome for Years 7 to 12 2025. Our College Registrar will notify you of availability or waiting list opportunities when your application is submitted.

Year 7 students commencing in 2026: 

Enrolment Applications closed on 26 July 2024. Enrolment Interviews were held in August. Letters of Offer were mailed to successful candidates on 18 October 2024 in accordance with Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools guidelines. The final day for families to accept the offer made by the College was 8 November 2024.

Year 7 students commencing in 2027:

Enrolment Applications close 25 July 2025. Enrolment Interviews will be held in August 2025. Letters of Offer will be mailed to successful candidates on 17 October 2025 in accordance with Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools guidelines.  The final day for families to accept the offer made by the College is 7 November 2025.

Enrolment Application Form

Complete the enrolment Application form and associated documents (found on page 1 of the form) and submit to the College Registrar.

Enrolment Criteria

    Sacred Heart College Kyneton has an agreed order of priority for enrolment offers. This order of priority reflects that published by Melbourne Archdiocesan Catholic schools.

    1. Catholic children who are residents of a designated priority parish and have attended a Catholic primary school in one of those parishes
    2. Siblings of children already enrolled in the school
    3. Catholic children who are residents of a designated priority parish and have not attended a Catholic primary school
    4. Catholic children from other parishes (for pastoral reasons)
    5. Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches (i.e. Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Ukrainian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox and other Orthodox) who have attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish
    6. Children from non-Catholic Eastern churches (i.e. Greek Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Ukrainian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Serbian Orthodox and other Orthodox) who have not attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish
    7. Other Christian children who have attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish
    8. Other Christian children who have not attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish
    9. Non-Christian children who have attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish
    10. Non-Christian children who have not attended a Catholic primary school and are residents of a priority parish.

    Local pastoral discretion is an important element of decision-making with regard to enrolment at Sacred Heart College. While the first priority of the Principal is to enrol the children of Catholic parents/guardians/carers, pastoral discretion may be exercised in enrolment decisions where deemed appropriate, ensuring transparency and equity.

    We are not registered with the CRICOS (Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students) so are unable to enrol international students on a student visa.

    Email the Registrar:


    College Prospectus

    Scholarships - Catholic Primary Schools

    Sacred Heart College values the relationship it has with each of the feeder Catholic Primary Schools. The College continues the tradition of offering Scholarships to one student from each of the following feeder Primary Schools:

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