
Transition at Sacred Heart College

Year 7 is a year of transition. From primary school to secondary school, friendship changes, personal growth and development as well as changes with learning. Transitioning from Grade 6 to Year 7 requires a program that recognises the new challenges young people face.

The Transition Process

Sacred Heart College provides a structured transition process commencing in Grade 5. Beginning with Open Days, an Enrolment Information Evening and College Tours, prior to enrolment. These events provide families with an insight into Sacred Heart and the necessary information to make an informed choice.

Following the submission of an enrolment application, an interview is held. This allows students, together with their parents/guardians, a one-on-one conversation with a staff member from our College Leadership Team. The interview provides a forum to create a positive connection between families and the College, and is an opportunity for staff to gain a personal insight into each student and their family.

In addition, the Year 7 Transition team visits feeder primary schools to meet with Grade 6 teachers, who share their extensive knowledge and understanding about the students’ learning and wellbeing. During these visits, the Grade 6 students are encouraged to participate in a Q and A session with current Year 7 students and teachers.

A Transition Information evening is held in November for parents to receive information relating to their child's first year at the College

Prior to commencement, a Year 7 Orientation Day is held. On this day students get a taste of a variety of subjects and they gain a valuable insight into daily life at Sacred Heart. Some students may require additional visits to help them with this transition and we have a diligent team of teachers and support staff to facilitate this.

On the first day of the school year, across every class and every year level, there is a strong focus on wellbeing. On this day students engage in a variety of fun activities and conversations about the expectations and school life in general at Sacred Heart College. At the end of the day students and Homeroom teachers across the College are much better acquainted. This also sets the scene for the year, as every morning students commence the day in their Homeroom with their Homeroom teachers. At Sacred Heart the Staff are committed to provide an environment in which students feel they belong and are connected.

The year 7 students participate in the “Peer Support Program”, run by the Year 10 students and the Year Level Leader, which establishes supportive relationships within the first few weeks.

The transition opportunity that our students look forward to most is the Year 7 Camp. Held in Term 1, the camp allows students to experience new environments, challenge themselves and create new friendships.

As students settle into the life and daily routines of Sacred Heart they take delight in the Academic and Creative Curriculum that is based on sound pedagogical practices. Students participate in an enriching religious program to develop their religious believes and cultivate the Mercy Values. Additionally, each year level benefits from additional programs that support students to foster courage, perseverance and resilience with their relationships and their lives.

Transition Team

Deputy Principal  -  Student Wellbeing

Haley Galloway

Director of Transition

Jody Takos

College Registrar

Rowen Rokesky-Alder

Director of Learning Support

Sally Dick

Head of Junior School

Matthew Carroll

Year 7 Level Leader

Kellie Boorman

Learning Enhancement Leader

Philippa Spring


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