The Year 10 Apline experience will leave students with a lifetime of memories, a better understanding of themselves and others, how to work and live in a small community and raise awareness about the needs of our environment.
Students will be asked to take responsibility and make decisions that affect your daily life and have real consequences. They will find out what it is like to be independent. They may even discover a passion for an outdoor pursuit like skiing or even just adventure. Most importantly though, it may show students that the most important things in life are simple, non-material and have a lot to do with the people with whom you share your life.
Our local environment is a sensitive one, as is our total environment. Activities, such as skiing, have significant impact on the greater environment, so it is important to understand the impact we make on the ecology of our earth and the need to carefully manage its usage.
This program will be a lot of things and much more, but it depends on the students. This may be one chance in a persons life to achieve something really special and personal.
Monday - Travel by bus to Howman’s Gap (located at the entry gate to Falls Creek).
Orientation of Howman’s Gap and chance to set up bunk.
Ski fit / Down time (each group will rotate through one of these) and Dinner
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Two days Down-Hill Skiing or Snowboarding
Lessons in the morning for two hours with Falls Creek Instructors
Approx 1 hour of skiing/boarding with students with staff
Lunch break
Afternoon skiing/boarding with students without instructors (designated runs based on ability level) with roving staff members
One day of Cross-country skiing
The YMCA instructors will conduct lessons for this activity
Morning session will include basic skill development
Once skills are honed, groups will ski out behind the Resort area on designated tracks to explore the Alpine Wilderness.
There are set activities for the three nights:
Nightly group meetings
Tuesday - Passive or active games
Wednesday – Trivia Night
Thursday – Dress up night
Pack up and finish cleaning up in the morning
Travel by bus back to school