Careers and Transition
Prospectus SCROLL

At Sacred Heart College we have qualified and experienced Careers Practitioners available to students and parents, by appointment, to support our students in their decision making and career transition. We believe our students must leave the College with strategies for the independence and flexibility required to identify and manage lifelong learning opportunities and the changes that successful careers bring.

Services we offer:

Our Programs Include:

One-on-One Guidance InterviewsCareers Expo – TIS (Tertiary Information Session)
Fully resourced and up-to-date Careers LibraryVisiting Guest Speakers
General Careers Communications (Newsletter, Job Vacancies)VTAC Presentations for our Year 12 Students
Subject Selection SupportIntroduction to Careers Library and Resources for Year 11 students
Change of Preference InterviewsIndustry and Enterprise, Work Experience and Mock Interviews for our Year 10 students
Delivery of Specialist ProjectsYear 9 Careers Sessions

Our Career Advisors

Karina Wheeler

Professional Careers Practitioner

Kristina Delaney

Associate Careers Practitioner

Testimonials from Year 12 Students:

“Careers development has enabled me to discover the right career for me according to my interests, and has provided the necessary information for me to make the best informed decision for my future”.

“Both Karina and Julie are exceptionally caring and go above and beyond to help each student individually. They provide great help and great resources to aid students with tertiary learning options”.

“For most of my time at Sacred Heart, the Careers Department has guided and supported me through my career options amazingly. The Careers Department here is so knowledgeable and patient, especially as I was prone to changing my mind. They genuinely care that each of us gets the best out of our future options and care that we are happy. They are so supportive and approachable”.

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