Year 10-12 Future of Possibilities
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Big school choices, small school atmosphere. Rigorous and relevant learning opportunities allow students to explore and question ideas…

Senior School Pathways at SHC

Senior secondary education is about developing and realising every student’s potential.

Year 10

Matt Carroll with Students

In Year 10 at Sacred Heart College, we launch our students into a future of possibilities as they embrace the challenges of Senior School. As they consolidate their practices and skills in their core subjects, students also begin making informed subject choices.

The College also offers and encourages a range of acceleration opportunities for those students who wish to extend their learning, allowing students to study VCE subjects a year earlier.

Vocational Education & Training (VET) Units are also offered to Year 10 students who wish to pursue areas of special interest. Vocational Education & Industry Program (VEIP) is a program selected from the core Year 10 subjects, which has been developed at Sacred Heart College, allowing students to undertake weekly Structured Work Place Learning (SWL) arrangements whilst continuing their studies.


The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) offers a broad range of study options.

You can choose a variety of studies that let you explore your interests and pursue your goals.

Unit 1 and 2 subjects are usually studied in Year 11, and Unit 3 and 4 subjects are usually studied in Year 12.

Completing the VCE can give you an ATAR score, offering a direct pathway to university.

The VCE can take you in many different directions after school and is a great choice if you prefer learning in a classroom environment and know you might want to go to university right after school.


The VCE Vocational Major is a 2-year vocational and applied learning program within the VCE. The program equips students with the skills, knowledge, confidence and agency needed to prepare for work and further education and training.

The VCE Vocational Major prepares students to transition successfully into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, university, or directly into employment. It supports them to develop knowledge, confidence and skills for work and life. It employs a more diverse range of assessment strategies rather than exams, alleviating some of the pressure that students face when completing the VCE.


Vocational education and training (VET) is an important part of many students’ senior secondary education. They can do VET as part of the VCE, including the VCE Vocational Major or the Victorian Pathways Certificate.

By including VET in their senior secondary program, students develop industry-specific knowledge and skills, as well as general skills they need for success in future employment, training, and further education.


SBAT students complete their schooling while spending time in paid employment, developing the vocational skills that prepare them for successful career pathways after senior secondary school.


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