House Spirit

Team spirit and an opportunity to grow in pride is available through all our College House Carnivals.


House Spirit

At Sacred Heart College each student is a members of one of four Houses:

  • Chisholm
  • McAuley
  • Nightingale
  • O’Neill

The House system forms the basis of our teams for sporting and cultural events. Each House is named after an historical figure of significance. Each Founder lived a life of service to others, and demonstrated many values which, as a Catholic school in the Mercy tradition, we regard highly.

Students, with staff support and involvement, compete for their House in three annual sports carnivals - Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming. The new Physical Education uniform has sports polo shirts in each of the House colours, to further support the House Spirit.

House Colours

Chisholm (Yellow)

Caroline Chisholm (1808-1877) established a school of industry for the daughters of European soldiers in Madras, India in 1832. After migrating to Australia, Caroline assisted many stranded and penniless women immigrants in Sydney and in 1841 established an immigrants’ home for unemployed girls.

Nightingale (Red)

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was the founder of the nursing profession, as we know it today. The British soldiers knew her during the War, as ‘The Lady with the Lamp.’ The light that Nightingale carried has come to mean care for the sick, concern for the welfare of the ordinary soldier, and freedom for women to choose their own work.

McAuley (Blue)

Catherine McAuley (1778-1841) founded the Sisters of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland. This new Order (The Walking Nuns) walked the streets to minister to those in need. They looked after the poor sick and ignorant, founded homes for girls, began schools, visited the sick and gave hospitality to all. Catherine’s spirituality was centered on God and belief that ‘the poor need help today, not tomorrow.’ Under Catherine’s inspired leadership, the Mercy Sisters soon became a world wide Order.

O’Neill (Green)

Patricia O’Neill (1878-1972) matriculated from Sacred Heart College, Kyneton, in 1896. In 1954, Patricia became the first Mother General of the Australian Union of the Sisters of Mercy. The O’Neill Building (VCE) is named in honor and memory of Patricia.

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