Student Leadership
Prospectus SCROLL
College Captains 2025

The Student Leadership structure at Sacred Heart College Kyneton provides the opportunity for students to pursue an area of interest that will cater for their talents and passions. The Senior College Cabinet is replicated at the Junior school level, providing an avenue for leadership experience and succession planning throughout the school. The elected members of the Junior Cabinet are titled Leaders, and they will liaise with relevant staff, senior captains, and their own representative groups. All areas have an appropriate staff member to work with them. These staff will currently be in roles associated to the Student Leadership area.

The structure is based on teams. The College Captains work with all of the Captains at the Senior level, as well as convening a combined Senior and Junior Cabinet gathering once per term, to discuss student related College issues and to set the goals for the term in each of the areas. The Captains (Senior) and Leaders (Junior) also have teams, comprising Representatives from the Junior and Senior year levels for the various areas.

Student Leadership Structure at Sacred Heart College

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2025 Leadership Cabinet


Lucie Cousins
Astrid Le Noury
Justin Vardon

Faith Captain

Jack Meyer
Charlotte Oppy

Academic Captain

Genevieve Eames
Madison Morgan-Smith

Applied Learning Captain

Larissa Lo Guidice
Thorsten Perch-Nielsen

Culture Captain

Eilis Blanks
Mila Pereira

Mercy Justice Captain

Aimee Brown

Public Speaking and Debating Captain

Sophie Dunn

Sports Captain

Jasmine Short
Jennifer Sullivan

Student Wellbeing Captain

Elissa Balancy Mazou
Lachlan Hall

Sustainability Captain

Molly Curtin
Kejsi Schulz

The Arts Captain

Dylan Bunn
Emily Turner



Stella Egberts
Oscar Pereira

Faith Leader

Georgia Morelli
Julian Vardon

Academic Leader

Gracie Cook
Bridget Laird

Culture Leader

Romina Doria

Mercy Justice Leader

Benjamin Knight

Public Speaking and Debating Leader

Matilda Matthews

Sports Leader

Zuri Brownscombe

Student Wellbeing Leader

Hugh Fogarty
Grace Hyatt

Sustainability Leader

Harper Collinge
Lila Ely

The Arts Leader

Jasper Bailey
Alice McKenzie


Chisholm House Captain

Fletcher Lewis

Chisholm House Vice Captain

Darcie Carrucan

Chisholm Junior House Captain

Matilda Britton

Nightingale House Captains

Isabella Fraser

Nightingale House Vice Captain

Matilda Robinson

Nightingale Junior House Captain

Henry Strang

O’Neill House Captain

Trea Harkin

O’Neill House Vice Captain

Alexander Daly

O’Neill Junior House Captain

Esme Hayter

McAuley House Captain

Lucy Foster

McAuley House Vice Captain

Sian Hooppell

McAuley Junior House Captain

Jordan Veitch


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