Student Wellbeing
Prospectus SCROLL

Student Wellbeing at Sacred Heart College Kyneton is seen as the state of good mental health, whereby students have the self regulation and emotional resilience to perform well academically, feel connected to others, enjoy healthy relationships and contribute responsibly to their communities.

To this end, the College strives to provide a positive, social and learning environment where students feel safe, have a sense of belonging and can achieve. Sacred Heart College is a family supportive, Catholic school in the Mercy tradition, which is a key strength in developing care and understanding between school and home. This results in wellbeing issues being addressed in a timely manner with appropriate student support systems put in place.

Haley Galloway

Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing

Matt Carroll

Head of Junior School

Anthony Diamond

Head of Senior School

Kellie Boorman

Year 7 Level Leader

Hannah Monagle

Year 8 Level Leader

Angelica Violante

Year 9 Level Leader

Carmen Stehle

Year 10 Level Leader

Mary Anne Bratovic

Year 11 Level Leader

Victoria Young

Year 12 Level Leader

Philippa Spring

Year 12 Level Leader

The Wellbeing Framework

The College is immensely proud of the wellbeing programs in place for students. 

The SHC Wellbeing Framework underpins areas of personal development for students in these year levels. Known as Compass for students in Junior School – focusing on the values of Respect, Service and Hospitality, and DRIVE in the Senior School incorporating the values of Justice, Service and Courage.

When children learn to self-regulate they have stronger friendships and relationships with others, are more able to pay attention and learn new things and deal better with the normal stresses and disappointments of daily life.

Wellbeing Team

Sacred Heart College has a multi-disciplinary team of wellbeing practitioners, who work as part of an integrated health, wellbeing and learning support service, assisting Year Level Leaders, Heads of School and other staff to respond to the needs of students on a daily basis. Our work is overseen by the Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing.

The holistic approach at Sacred Heart College means that students feel cared about and important, as they navigate each transition through secondary education, and then again into their future tertiary and career training.

Samantha Sequeira


Alicia Nalesnyik


Melanie Potter


Paul Hopkins


Renee Carey


Wellbeing Referral Form

Please complete the student wellbeing referral form below.

(100 Characters)
(2500 Characters)
Privacy and confidentiality statement:

Information will be kept confidential unless serious issues of wellbeing and safety arise. Limits to confidentiality will be explained to students at first appointment. Counsellor case notes will be stored electronically, with restricted access to members of the Counselling Team, the Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing and the Principal on a needs to know basis.

The external supports listed below are also available to support young people and their families:
ChildFIRST referral point for community agency family support: 1800 260 338
Kids Help Line for online chat, telephone or email counselling for young people: 1800 55 1800
Parentline for phone counselling and parenting support for parents and carers: 13 22 89
E head space for online chat, telephone or email counselling for young people from a youth mental health practitioner: or 1800 650 890

Wellbeing Information

Wellbeing Support

Wellbeing Support at Sacred Heart begins with the Homeroom structure. This provides the foundation for Pastoral Care, with an emphasis on all staff understanding and ‘knowing’ our students. Homeroom teachers are supported by Year Level Leaders, a Junior and Senior Head of School, and the Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing. Working alongside this structure is the Wellbeing Team.

Health Centre

The College has a Health Care Coordinator who looks after sick bay from 9.00am to 3.00pm each day. This person is responsible for the day-to-day first aid requirements of the College and also the administration of student Health Care Plans. If you have any queries regarding your child’s health needs whilst at school, please call Jalna Holmes on 54211 200.

Wellbeing in a Catholic School

In Catholic school settings, ‘wellbeing’ is understood to be ‘realising one’s unique potential through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development’. Wellbeing incorporates ‘the degree to which a student is functioning effectively’ and their capacity to cope, learn and thrive.

Wellbeing and learning are inextricably linked. Supported by an extensive evidence base it is understood that children and young people who have a ‘sustainable state of positive mood, attitude, resilience and satisfaction with self’ are more engaged and successful learners.

Teaching wellbeing in schools enables safe and respectful school communities; connects children, young people, families and staff through collaborative and caring relationships; engages students through experiences that motivate, empower, and inspire; and reframes the learning of wellbeing as an integral component of broader academic learning. 'The mission, and privilege, of the Catholic school is to build a community where authentic relationships based on love provide the means and the support for all students to flourish and grow into the fullness of life'.

The Mercy Values are our Guiding Values

Read about how we commit to and demonstrate them.

Statement of Diversity

Integral to all Catholic schools and to their mission as instruments of the Universal Catholic Church is the belief that all members of the school community are sacred, “created in the image and likeness of God” (Gen 1:27). The core values of Mercy Education reflect and challenge each student and staff member to give witness to this ideal through compassion, respect, service, hospitality, courage and justice. At Sacred Heart College Kyneton, we believe in the dignity of each and every member of our College community. We are committed to building an inclusive culture that promotes and values diversity. We believe that creating an environment where uniqueness is celebrated, where students feel empowered to safely share their opinions and ideas and where everyone has the opportunities and support to be their best is the right thing to do.

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