On Wednesday 12 March, members of the Macedon Ranges community were privileged to have an audience with highly esteemed developmental paediatrician, Dr Billy Garvey. The evening was part of Sacred Heart College’s Parent Engagement Program, now in its eighth year, which aims to provide local parents with information on current areas of importance for children and teens from well-known guest speakers.
Dr Garvey is known by many from his popular podcast ‘Pop Culture Parenting’ and his work as a developmental paediatrician. During the evening, he facilitated an accessible, practical, genuine and engaging discussion covering topics such as: understanding presentations of anxiety at various ages, neurodiversity, building resilience, confronting challenging behaviour and the importance of understanding attachment and parenting styles.
The evening had over two hundred parents in attendance and Dr Garvey was very generous with his time, remaining to speak with individual families and share his wisdom late into the evening. The College is certainly hopeful of fostering further connections with Dr Garvey’s enterprise Guiding Growing Minds – www.guidinggrowingminds.org and hopes to be able to have him visit again in the future.
The next guest speaker in our Parent Engagement Program will be Andrew Fuller who will focus on Raising Respectful Young Men & Women. Andrew is a best selling author with titles including: Unlocking Your Child’s Genius, Tricky Kids , Life: A Guide, Raising Real People (ACER), From Surviving to Thriving (ACER) and Beating Bullies. His talks are always a lot of fun and very informative. These events are free and open to all in our local community, but tickets must be booked.
The messages that our speakers are presenting are valuable for everyone, and our hope is that by building knowledge and skills for all parents around specific areas of young people’s lives, we will ultimately have a more informed regional approach to issues, that supports young people wherever they are, in a consistent way.
Darren was appointed Principal of Sacred Heart College in January 2019. Darren has had almost 30 years experience in teaching and leadership across a number of Victorian Catholic secondary schools. These include eight years as Principal of Mercy Regional College, Camperdown; nine years as Deputy Principal and Director of Mission at Mount Lilydale Mercy College; seven years as a Chemistry, Religious Education and Science teacher as well as REC at Sacred Heart College, Geelong.
Darren has been committed to a lifetime of study and professional development. After completing his initial degree of Bachelor of Science and Graduate Diploma of Education at the University of Melbourne, he continued his study by completing a Graduate Diploma of Religious Education, a Masters of Religious Education and a Doctor of Education, all at Australian Catholic University. In 2018, Darren participated in the Enhancing Catholic School Identity programme in Leuven, Belgium.
Darren has a deep and passionate affiliation with the Mercy tradition and charism and believes that Mercy schools must be “…committed to holistic education; determined to ensure that each student flourishes academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically”.
The purpose of the Catholic school is to provide “… an authentic Christian education, where students are called to embrace the essence of the Gospels, to flourish as whole human persons” and “… to provide exemplary learning experiences for the students who attend”.
Darren was appointed Principal of Sacred Heart College in January 2019. Darren has had almost 30 years experience in teaching and leadership across a number of Victorian Catholic secondary schools. These include eight years as Principal of Mercy Regional College, Camperdown; nine years as Deputy Principal and Director of Mission at Mount Lilydale Mercy College; seven years as a Chemistry, Religious Education and Science teacher as well as REC at Sacred Heart College, Geelong.
Darren has been committed to a lifetime of study and professional development. After completing his initial degree of Bachelor of Science and Graduate Diploma of Education at the University of Melbourne, he continued his study by completing a Graduate Diploma of Religious Education, a Masters of Religious Education and a Doctor of Education, all at Australian Catholic University. In 2018, Darren participated in the Enhancing Catholic School Identity programme in Leuven, Belgium.
Darren has a deep and passionate affiliation with the Mercy tradition and charism and believes that Mercy schools must be “…committed to holistic education; determined to ensure that each student flourishes academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically”.
The purpose of the Catholic school is to provide “… an authentic Christian education, where students are called to embrace the essence of the Gospels, to flourish as whole human persons” and “… to provide exemplary learning experiences for the students who attend”.