The College Swimming Carnival will be held at the Bendigo East Aquatic Centre, 31 Lansell Street, East Bendigo on Monday 24 March 2025. (Previously cancelled on Wednesday 12 February 2025)
All students will travel to and from the Swimming Carnival by bus, departing the College following morning Homeroom and returning in time for normal dismissal. Parents will NOT be able to drop off students at the pool in the morning - students need to be at the College for Homeroom as per a normal school day. The roll will then be marked.
Please ensure that your student's medical profile is completed otherwise you will not be able to give permission for this Swimming Carnival.
Parents/Guardians/Carers and visitors may attend the Swimming Carnival.
If it is imperative that Parents/Guardians/Carers need to collect their student at the completion of the Swimming Carnival, they must advise via PAM prior to the day. Parents must sign their student out at the First Aid Station at the end of the Carnival, a staff member will be available to sign out your child. No students will be able to leave the Swimming Carnival without a PAM notification. Due to the complexity of students having to be marked off rolls on the buses at the end of the day, your assistance is required in this matter.
Students are required to wear FULL PE Uniform to and from school. House Captains and Year 12 students may wear fancy dress in their House colours to the pool. Students are also required to wear a hat/cap, sunscreen and shirt that covers their shoulders when not competing in events. Girls are to be in one-piece bathers or wear a rashie vest. Boys are to wear racing bathers or water shorts suitable for swimming.
Students are to bring snacks, lunch and water or money to purchase lunch from the pool canteen.
The contact number for the College Swimming Carnival for emergency purposes only 0400 098 557
The program will commence at 10:00am and conclude at 2:30pm. There will be no early drop off points on the way home in compliance with Child Safety Standards. As this is a compulsory school day, students are expected to attend. PAM responses must be completed by Friday 21 March 2025.
Darren was appointed Principal of Sacred Heart College in January 2019. Darren has had almost 30 years experience in teaching and leadership across a number of Victorian Catholic secondary schools. These include eight years as Principal of Mercy Regional College, Camperdown; nine years as Deputy Principal and Director of Mission at Mount Lilydale Mercy College; seven years as a Chemistry, Religious Education and Science teacher as well as REC at Sacred Heart College, Geelong.
Darren has been committed to a lifetime of study and professional development. After completing his initial degree of Bachelor of Science and Graduate Diploma of Education at the University of Melbourne, he continued his study by completing a Graduate Diploma of Religious Education, a Masters of Religious Education and a Doctor of Education, all at Australian Catholic University. In 2018, Darren participated in the Enhancing Catholic School Identity programme in Leuven, Belgium.
Darren has a deep and passionate affiliation with the Mercy tradition and charism and believes that Mercy schools must be “…committed to holistic education; determined to ensure that each student flourishes academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically”.
The purpose of the Catholic school is to provide “… an authentic Christian education, where students are called to embrace the essence of the Gospels, to flourish as whole human persons” and “… to provide exemplary learning experiences for the students who attend”.
Darren was appointed Principal of Sacred Heart College in January 2019. Darren has had almost 30 years experience in teaching and leadership across a number of Victorian Catholic secondary schools. These include eight years as Principal of Mercy Regional College, Camperdown; nine years as Deputy Principal and Director of Mission at Mount Lilydale Mercy College; seven years as a Chemistry, Religious Education and Science teacher as well as REC at Sacred Heart College, Geelong.
Darren has been committed to a lifetime of study and professional development. After completing his initial degree of Bachelor of Science and Graduate Diploma of Education at the University of Melbourne, he continued his study by completing a Graduate Diploma of Religious Education, a Masters of Religious Education and a Doctor of Education, all at Australian Catholic University. In 2018, Darren participated in the Enhancing Catholic School Identity programme in Leuven, Belgium.
Darren has a deep and passionate affiliation with the Mercy tradition and charism and believes that Mercy schools must be “…committed to holistic education; determined to ensure that each student flourishes academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically”.
The purpose of the Catholic school is to provide “… an authentic Christian education, where students are called to embrace the essence of the Gospels, to flourish as whole human persons” and “… to provide exemplary learning experiences for the students who attend”.