Community News
23 May 2024

Woodend Winter Arts Festival 2024

The 19th Woodend Winter Arts Festival will deliver a four-day feast of music, words and ideas in the heart of the Macedon Ranges over the King’s Birthday long weekend.

Highlights include

*Free fireworks and entertainment at Buffalo Stadium, Fri 7 June 5-8pm

*Spanish guitarist Paco Lara accompanied by Flamenco Dancer Deya Giner,

More information and tickets are here:

We look forward to welcoming the students and parents of Sacred Heart college Kyneton to the Woodend Winter Arts Festival.

Kyneton Rotary Club - Seeking Host Families

The Kyneton Rotary Club is seeking host families for a student who will be attending the College from July 2024 for one year. The male student is from the Czech Republic, is fluent in four languages, plays Piano and likes sport
(running) and will be in Years 11/12 during his stay here. For more details contact the Rotarian John Condliffe 0419397936.

Come and try orienteering in a beautiful section of forest at Macedon - Sunday 26 May - Campey Rd

The Macedon regional forest is looking splendid this time of year, water is flowing along the gullies into the creeks and native revegetation has flourished where previous planned burns have been conducted.

You can choose from easy, moderate or hard course difficulties depending on how experienced you are.

The easy course will go along or near easy to follow features (like paths), the moderate course will be a bit more challenging and might involve reading a few more contour features and the hard courses are designed more for experienced orienteers.

There’ll be lots of friendly helpers on the day to help you choose the right course for you and get the hang of the navigational side of things.

Register from 9:30am and choose your own start time from 10:00am-11:30am but please finish your course by 1pm.

Entry is just $12 for adults and $6 for under 21s.

For more information visit:

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