Andrea Knight, Debating Coordinator
Debating Update
21 June 2024

Last Wednesday our senior debating team participated in their fourth DAV Schools competition debate at Ballarat and Anglican Grammar School. The DAV Schools competition is the largest English-language debating competition in the world. Our debating teams both argued the negative position on the topic - That Australian government elections should be conducted online. The results of both debates were close. Congratulations to our students for a fabulous effort.

Special thanks to Mr Gallagher for hosting our first debating presentation skills workshop. Our debaters were given valuable tips from Mr Gallagher to improve their manner skills.

With one last round of debating for our senior debaters on 26 June, we will then commence our junior debating program in second semester. Twenty-eight junior students have expressed their interest in joining our junior debating program which is very pleasing.

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