Debra McNaughton
Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching
05 June 2024

Examination Period at Sacred Heart College

The examination period is about to begin at Sacred Heart College for students in Years 8 – 11. Letters with the timetables and information about the exams have been sent to parents through PAM. Year 7 students will experience exams in a limited number of subjects at the end of Semester Two.

Exams aren't just about the marks. These assessments offer valuable stepping stones for students. They act as a mirror, reflecting a student's understanding of the material taught throughout the Semester. This self-evaluation allows students to identify areas needing improvement and focus their studies for Semester Two accordingly.

Exams also develop crucial life skills. Preparing for them teaches valuable time management and organisation. The pressure of exams simulates real-world situations where deadlines and performance matter. By facing these challenges, students build resilience and learn to perform within time limits, preparing them for future endeavours such as tertiary studies or job interviews.

Most importantly, exams can boost confidence. Performing well according to their ability validates a student's hard work. It can develop confidence that can motivate them to tackle more difficult challenges in the future.

Classes will have exam revision and preparation leading into the exams, and there will be the opportunity for students to receive feedback in the final week of Term.

I wish all students well during the examination period as we provide a supportive environment for their completion.

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