Debra McNaughton
Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching
19 September 2024

Year 12s

Our Year 12 VCE students still have a little way to go with the trial examinations in the second week of the holidays, then, together with the VCE VM students, two final weeks of classes before the VCAA examinations begin in earnest.

The trial exams are important as students complete questions in the real time frame. The results let teachers know the areas of strength and weakness so that the final revision and exam preparation classes can be targeted.

Trial exams are especially important for Year 11 students who are accelerating with one or two Unit 3 & 4 studies. This experience will prepare them for what’s ahead in 2025 in terms of the study that is required and the procedures.

Thanks to our VCE Coordinator Ms Jodie Wattie for coordinating the trial exams and for being on-site to oversee the process in the second week of the holidays.

Good luck to all of our Year 12s over the coming weeks.

Year 10s

The final week of Term 3 is significant for our Year 10s who are currently completing Work Experience placements. This year our students are working in many different industries in many different locations. Feedback from employers so far has been extremely positive.

Interim Reports and Student Progress Interviews

Interim reports covering Term 3 are now accessible on PAM. While you have access to the students’ marks for assessment tasks at all times through PAM, the interim reports include an assessment of the work habits that are relevant for the subjects. These can be a good talking point for the Student Progress Interviews that take place through Teams on Tuesday 8 and Thursday 10 October. Bookings can be made through PAM.

I wish our entire Sacred Heart Community a safe and enjoyable break.

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