Sam Weir
Director of Faith and Mission
06 December 2024

Closing Mass

Our final day of school for 2024 included our closing Mass, with all students from Years 7 to 11 taking part in this special celebration of who we are as a community. We were pleased to have Fr John (Woodend, Lancefield, Romsey parish) celebrate his first Mass with us, and we were grateful for the warm presence of Fr Wahid (Castlemaine Parish), who also joined us for the celebration.

In the Mass we gave thanks for the role that the Mercy Values of respect, compassion, hospitality, justice, service and courage play as beacons in our lives, and we took to heart St Paul’s petition that “the Lord make us increase and abound in love, for one another, and for all”. Our closing Mass was also a time for students to contemplate the significance of the season of Advent, which is a special time of anticipation and hope. As the school year closes, we offer every blessing to all members of the Sacred Heart community during this time of Advent waiting, and for the coming season of Christmas.

Young Mercy Links: Leadership Formation Program

Members of our 2025 Senior Student Cabinet travelled to the Mercy Hub in Carlton on Wednesday to participate in the annual Young Mercy Links: Leadership Formation Program. Working with student leaders from other Mercy schools, our incoming senior leaders spent time considering what it means to live and lead with a heart of Mercy. The program invited each participant to consider their own story as a young leader, and to express their unique gifts and talents with confidence and a desire to place these in service to the community. A key element of the program was the opportunity to meet and spend time with the student leadership teams from other Mercy schools, and it was great to see our students come away from the event with new contacts and networks. We look forward to seeing our Senior Cabinet drawing upon this experience when the new school year begins.

ACU Young Leaders Study Tour: Rome and London

Over the past 3 weeks, Year 11 student Jack Meyer has travelled with a contingent of young leaders from Catholic secondary schools in Victorian and NSW to participate in a study tour in London and Rome. From the accounts filtering back to us from the tour, we’re proud to hear that Jack’s insights and warm sense of humour have been welcome additions to the travelling group, and that the experience is proving to be transformative academically, socially and spiritually. Jack is expected to return home just before midnight on Monday 8 December. We continue to keep Jack in our prayers for the final stages of his journey, and look forward to hearing all about his travels and learnings in the new school year.

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