Sam Weir - Director of Faith and Mission
End of Year Liturgy and Mass
07 December 2023

Years 10 and 11 Closing Liturgy and Years 7-9 Closing Mass

As our academic year came to a close, students spent time in communal celebration of the faith that sits at the heart of our school. At our Years 10 and 11 Closing Liturgy, and again at our Years 7-9 Closing Mass, students reflected on the achievements and joys of the past year, and gave thanks for the many blessings we enjoy as a community. Over the course of the two events, we were pleased to have 45 students offer readings and serve in other ministries, as well as enjoying the talents of a further 30 student musicians. As we move now into the holiday period, we hope that the blessings of peace and joy remain with all students and families.

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