Celia Gall
Hill House Music Scholarship
21 May 2024

On Thursday 9 May, Hugo Fanning, a VCE Music student 2023, was presented with a Scholarship of $1000 from Hill House in Trentham. Hugo is currently studying Sound Production and his instrument is the drum kit.

Hill House is a private home run by Susie Kilby who has turned a section of her large house into a concert hall, where she runs fundraising concerts to encourage youth music in the Macedon Ranges. The money raised goes towards youth scholarships and to local school’s music programs, which assists students in achieving their music dreams.

To start the award ceremony the VCE Music students performed a piece composed by one of the current VCE students, Finn Slechten. The music was engaging and entertaining and was a perfect introduction to the ceremony.

Susie spoke all about Hill House then presented Hugo with his award.

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