Mary Ann Glynn, Learning Area Leader
History Happenings

Displayed in the Year 7 showcase were impressive dioramas of Ancient Rome. From the Colosseum to aqueducts, their models unveiled creativity and understanding of Roman architecture. These projects not only served as a valuable assessment tool but also provided a hands-on fun learning experience that will help them remember the key concepts of Ancient Rome. Well done Year 7 historians for your impressive achievements.

On Tuesday 15 October our Year 9 students experienced a firsthand look at World War I. They examined primary sources, learning about propaganda, attitudes to war, soldier life, food and equipment.

This immersive experience gave them a deeper understanding of the brutal conditions soldiers faced in trenches, including the constant threat of injury, disease, and death. They also learned about the social and economic consequences of not enlisting, such as being ostracised by the community or facing financial hardship.

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