Matt Carroll - Head of Junior School
Junior School News
08 March 2024

Year 8 Camp

Our delightful Year 8 students are currently enjoying their camp experience at Angelsea, engaging in a variety of exhilarating activities including surfing and skateboarding. According to our Year 8 teachers, the students are thoroughly enjoying themselves and are fortunate to be experiencing wonderful weather. Undoubtedly, this camp will foster stronger relationships among the students, and we anticipate their return home with fond memories and a pleasant exhaustion.

Year 9 Futsal Competition

This Tuesday marked the commencement of our Year 9 Lunchtime Futsal competition, with six teams eagerly participating. It was awesome to see students embrace both the fun and competitive spirit of the competition. We look forward to the upcoming weeks as the competition progresses.

No Phone Policy

Recent events have urged us to remind students and parents of the importance of our school's no-phones policy in creating a safe environment for learning and connection. This policy is vital for minimising distractions and fostering face-to-face interactions. It also safeguards our students from potential privacy infringements, such as unauthorised filming or photography. We want to stress that any breach of this policy, particularly use of a device to film/record another student will, in accordance with our policy and duty of care, result in significant consequences. We urge you to support our efforts in reinforcing the importance of adhering to the no-phones policy and encourage open communication with your child regarding responsible technology usage. We are committed to ensuring a safe, nurturing, and productive learning environment for all our students.

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