Danielle Tankovich
Japan Sister School - Online Exchange
25 October 2023

Japan Sister School Online Video Exchange

The first Japan Trip since before Covid is fast approaching. 16 students and 3 teachers will be travelling to Japan from 19 to 29 November. We will be visiting Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. In Osaka we will be visiting our sister school, Ibaraki Nishi High School.

In preparation and in order to meet the students' respective buddies who will take care of us while we are at school, we had an online video exchange to meet them. Students said their self-introduction in Japanese, which included their name and year level, and then asked and answered questions in both Japanese and English about the weather, favourite sport, food and so on. SHCK students represented the College very well and did us very proud with their slow, clear English and their beautiful Japanese. There were plenty of laughs, waving and a long goodbye. We are getting very excited about our trip which is less than a month away.

Take a peek at some of the photos from the exchange.

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