Damien Zanic, Sports Coordinator
Mickleham Division - Swimming

A terrific day was had at the Broadmeadows Aquatic Centre on Tuesday 11 March for our swim squad.

Every student that participated in an event finished with a place, whether it be first, second or third. It is a testament to the students for their continuous work in the pool with their respective swim squads, before or after school. Special mention to Catherine Mahony finishing first in her six individual events! Matthew Skewes for competing in five individual events for two first place and three second place finishes and Dylan Campbell-Quigley four individual events, for four first place finishes!

Congratulations to all competitors and thank you to Ms Vandenham and Ms Jenkin for their assistance on the day. 

Overall we had 33 first places, 12 seconds and 1 third. A fabulous achievement!

Students going onto the next round will compete in the NMR event on Thursday 27 March.

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