Sarah Gill
Music News
06 June 2024

Last Tuesday 28 May, the sounds of guitars/voices/trumpets/clarinets/violins/drums/piano/cello/trombone/flutes/bass guitars/clarinets were heard around the College as we held our Instrumental Music Recital Evening. It was a wonderful performance opportunity for these students who showcased their musical talents and what they have learned in lessons this year. All Instrumental Music Students have a lesson once a week with their specialist teacher.

The Music Department has also been busy in preparing for the Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass. The choir and band led by Mrs Helen Duggan have had rehearsals on Tuesday 4 June. Apart from the many musical benefits of singing in a choir, it can also make students feel more confident and improve their mood. Studies have shown that choir singing can reduce the stress hormone (cortisol) and increase the comforting hormone (oxytocin).

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