Terry Carrick - Music Performance Coordinator
Music Notes
26 October 2023

The last two weeks have been jam-packed with all things musical around the College!

In the classroom, the Year 7 and 8 students have been studying hard for their theory and listening tests, the Year 10s have been rehearsing their little hearts out (more on that later), the Year 11s have been practising for their VCE Recital assessments, and the Year 12 students have now all completed their Music performance examinations, and are prepping for their written and aural exam. Normally, I would suggest that we wish all of our students the very best of luck, but they don’t need luck – they’ve worked incredibly hard, and will reap the fruits of their labour!

Last week, we had a Monday Music Matinee, which started with Astrid Le Noury wowing the audience with some frenetic drumming. Mother Nature then intervened with rain forcing us to stop the performance, and Coen Cursio-Brundle and Stella Egberts didn’t have the opportunity to perform on the day.

Tuesday saw a long rehearsal for the Year 12 Graduation Mass. Our students provided a beautiful musical environment to celebrate our Year 12 students’ last time together in uniform. Our young musicians formed a tight band and a strong choir to help make this important occasion even more special for all present.

Wednesday evening was enormous. Our Semester 2 Instrumental Recital evening gave approximately 90 students, who are enrolled in the College’s Instrumental Music Program, the opportunity to learn the art of performance. These students performed over three separate venues to significantly-sized and highly-appreciative audiences. Performance in front of an audience is a whole separate skillset to being able to play your instrument, and our students gain a wonderful sense of achievement after confronting this musical obstacle. I’d like to offer a special congratulations to all students who performed for the very first time at Sacred Heart!

This week, our Year 10 Music-Making students will travel to Riddells Creek to perform in an authentic performance environment as an important outcome for their curriculum. These students have been preparing for this important event for the entire semester. Not only does it include their musicianship, but students have had to plan repertoire, rehearsals and personal profiles. A huge amount of work has gone into this event, and our young musos are ready to rock Riddell!

On Friday, Helen Duggan and myself will spend the entire day in auditions for students that have applied for the Sacred Heart Music Scholarships. Over 50 students have applied, and this day is one of my favourite days of the year. These students pull out all the stops, and we’re treated to some incredible performances!

Next Thursday evening, 2 November, Kayla Hogbin and Billy Barclay will host our annual Music Leaders’ Concert, featuring performances from a wide array of ensembles, small groups and soloists. We warmly welcome all members of the community to join us to see the pinnacle of our year in performances! The concert starts at 7pm in the Mary Moloney Theatre, and we encourage all current, past and future members of the College family to join us! (no bookings required)

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