Terry Carrick
Music Notes
22 February 2024

Welcome back to school for a big new year!

Our Music Department has started the year off with performances from literally the first day, with our College Pianist, Stella Egberts, performing at the whole school assembly. This was shortly followed by Inertia, a band comprising our Year 8 students – Jack Keniry, Oscar Lawrence, Tessa Smith, Charlie Tracey and Baz Wozniak) performing Deborah Conway’s 'It’s Only The Beginning” at our VCE Awards Assembly last week, to the entire school. We then had approximately 40 young musicians beautifully leading the congregation at Friday’s Beginning of Year mass. As you can imagine, it was an enormous start to 2024!

Instrumental lessons have begun, and we currently have well over 100 music lessons happening each week, under the expert instruction of our nine Instrumental Teachers.

I thoroughly recommend that students enrol to learn a musical instrument, especially those in junior years. Learning an instrument has huge benefits to a student’s academic, social and organisational skills, as well as promoting positive mental health! Each year, we see a direct correlation between those students who learn a musical instrument, and those student who are recognised for academic excellence at our Awards Assemblies. Plus, it’s a really fun thing to do!

If a student would like to enrol to learn an instrument, parents should complete the enrolment form at www.tinyurl.com/shcmusic2024.

We welcome Mr Peter Campion to our Instrumental Music staff, teaching drum kit. Sadly, we bid a truly fond farewell to Mr Adam Orlando, after 20 years of teaching guitar at Sacred Heart. Adam has made an enormous impact on hundreds of young guitarists, improving their musicianship, wellbeing and passion for music!

I would like to warmly invite all members of the community to a FOMP (Friends Of the Music Program) Meeting at 7pm Thursday 14 March, in the Music classroom to discuss how best to support the Music department through assisting with logistics of upcoming events. New members are always very welcome! Please email me (tcarrick@shckyneton.catholic.edu.au) if you would like more information or to RSVP.

If you have any questions about the Instrumental Music Program, please contact me at the College.

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