Parent Engagement Partnership - Guest Speaker Billy Garvey

The Sacred Heart College Parent Engagement Partnership aims to strengthen the collaboration between school, families, and the broader community by providing Professional Learning through quality presenters on a variety of current educational topics. These opportunities can provide parents with knowledge, strategies, and skills to support their child. We are thrilled to have Dr Billy Garvey as the first speaker for 2025 on Wednesday 12 March and know that all that attend will find the evening both enjoyable and informative. Links to Billy’s website and podcast are provided in the information below. These events are open to all in our local community so please feel free to share information about this event with friends and family.

Billy Garvey is a developmental paediatrician with over 20 years of experience working with children and families in various settings. As a senior specialist at one of the largest tertiary paediatric hospitals in the world, he works with families, trains clinicians and professionals who support children, and conducts research in child development and mental health. Billy is also the founder of Guiding Growing Minds (GGM), a social enterprise dedicated to giving all children the opportunity to reach their full potential and live rich, meaningful lives, and hosts the Pop Culture Parenting Podcast, which blends expert insights with pop culture references to provide practical strategies for parents and caregivers. 

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