Dr Darren Egberts
Principal's Message

This week’s prayer is taken directly from the introduction to last Friday’s Year 12 Graduation Mass held at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Church. The eucharistic celebration was a more than appropriate way to conclude a memorable day for the 2024 Year 12 class. The final day’s activities provided a joy-filled and memorable finishing line for the 96 graduands who conducted themselves with great maturity and good humour. Special thanks to David de Grandi (Year 12 Level Leader), Paul Matthews (Head of Senior School) and all Year 12 teachers for their leadership and work both on and leading up to last Friday.

In coming weeks, many Year 12 and 11 students will be undertaking final VCAA examinations – we wish each of them all the very best.


Year 12 Awards

During the Year 12 Mass on Friday evening, the following students were awarded these prestigious awards:

Spirit of Sacred Heart College Term 3 and 4

Otis Smith - Mercy Value of Compassion
Stephanie Waddington - Mercy Value of Service

Genevieve Chalkley Mercy@Work Award

Scarlett Varga

The Ethan McCulloch Courage and Resilience Award

Georgia Freeman

Citizenship Award

Ivy Stevens

ADF Long Tan Award

Jock McQueen

ADF Future Innovators Award

Max Hanegraaf

Applied Learning Outstanding Effort Award

D’Elle Edmonds

Junior School Showcase

Every year, I look forward to seeing what our students produce as part of the annual Junior School Showcase and, every year, any possible expectations are surpassed! Last Thursday evening was no exception with an extraordinary range and quality of projects produced by students from Year 9 (Expo project), Year 8 (Make A Difference project) and Year 7 (Learning Journey project). The pride with which students were able to talk about their projects and the journey to completing them was fascinating and reinforced the important role that these projects play in the broader Sacred Heart College curriculum. It was fabulous to see and speak to so many parents and family members who took the time to visit the displays. Thanks also to the large number of SHC staff who supported the students in their work.

Melbourne Cup Long Weekend

A reminder to all in the Sacred Heart College community that the school will be closed from Monday 4 to Wednesday 6 November due to the Melbourne and Kyneton Cup public holidays. VCAA exams will continue onsite during this period.

Parent Involvement – College Advisory Council and College Finance Committee

Two important groups that support the operations of Sacred Heart College are the College Advisory Council and the College Finance Committee. I am looking for additional members for each committee with the departure of some longstanding members. A summary of the responsibilities of each group (as detailed by Mercy Education) is included below:

  • The College Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where parent voice and community perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the Principal where students’ wellbeing and outcomes are paramount.
  • The Finance Committee is responsible for the oversight of and summary reporting to College Advisory Council of the following aspects of school finances: financial performance of the College; policy matters relating to finance or capital works; recommendations on the annual budget.

I would welcome expressions of interest for either group from interested parents with appointments at the discretion of the Principal. Membership of each group is normally for two year cycles with two or three cycles preferred. Interested parents are invited to email the Principal’s Executive Assistant, Loretta Hanns (lhanns@shckyneton.catholic.edu.au).

Yours in Mercy,

Dr Darren Egberts


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