Dr Darren Egberts
Principal's Message
24 April 2024

This week’s prayer reflects on the contrasting themes of peace and war; the two sides of the ANZAC Day coin. In the week when Australia stops to commemorate the sacrifice and service of hundreds of thousands of service men and women, the Christian message of ‘Peace, Shalom’ is as contemporary as ever. Our world is beset by several entrenched conflicts with the threat of others on the horizon, the promise of peace following the horrific conflicts of the 20th century seems diminished.

The start to this new term has been an extraordinarily busy one with a number of large and successful events, these have included: The College came together on Wednesday for its own Anzac Day commemorative service with the whole school gathering in Quambi. It was a moving tribute highlighted by the personal testimony of Mr Michael Gretton, President Kyneton RSL as well as College Captain, Isabelle McBride.

This week, the College enjoyed beautiful late autumn weather as we welcomed more than 600 people from 190 families for the annual Sacred Heart College Open Day. Prospective students from a range of primary school levels were engaged in a wide variety of subject-based and co-curricular activities gradually filling their show bags as they moved around the school. Special thanks to all who contributed to the success of the evening including school staff and 100+ current Sacred Heart College students.

Sacred Heart College students were very well represented at local events yesterday to commemorate ANZAC Day. These commemorations are always moving and continue to grow in stature notwithstanding the time that has passed since those awful years of conflict. Thank you to all students and staff who contributed to these community events in any way.

Last Friday, the College hosted 50 student leaders from Catherine McAuley College Bendigo who joined the SHC student cabinet members for a day that explored ‘Leadership from the Heart’. Hopefully the gathering is just the first of many future events for our schools’ student leaders who share a common Mercy heritage.

Students are enjoying a four-day weekend with the ANZAC Day public holiday being followed by a Professional Learning day for all Sacred Heart College teaching staff and learning support officers. The day is focusing on the school’s strategic priorities in learning and teaching and includes significant time for collaboration and planning within teaching teams.

Bereavement  -  Your prayers are asked for the Hartnett family on the passing of Barbara Hartnett, grandmother of Eli Knight Year 9.  Our thoughts are with you at this sad time.

Yours in Mercy,

Dr Darren Egberts


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