Dr Darren Egberts
Principal's Message
25 July 2024

Today’s prayer is a very old prayer initially penned by St Ignatius of Loyola and then used regularly by Catherine McAuley, foundress of the Sisters of Mercy. I have included it in this week’s newsletter as next Monday marks the 135th anniversary of the founding of Sacred Heart College Kyneton.

“On Monday 29 July 1889, the High School under the patronage of St Thomas Aquinas was opened with 24 day students and Sisters M. Genevieve Buckley and Mechtilde Henry as its first teachers (on the Wedge St site alongside the Convent and Primary School.”

From “Faithful Always, Celebrating 125 Years, Sacred Heart College, Kyneton”

Sacred Heart College students and staff will mark this significant anniversary with a special homeroom prayer on Monday morning.

Year 7 2026 Enrolment Applications

Please find below, a short letter we have sent to the newsletters of the six Macedon Ranges Parish Primary Schools.

The partnership between parish primary schools and local Catholic secondary schools such as Sacred Heart College is an important one. We share the same foundations in faith and recognise parents as first educators of children.

I am writing today as you make the fundamentally important decision of which secondary school is right for your daughter or son. I am aware that there are local independent schools that are asking for early enrolment commitments to guarantee places at Year 7. Given that, it is important to note that the criteria for enrolment at Sacred Heart College (and all Catholic secondary schools in the Melbourne Archdiocese) gives priority to students who are enrolled in a parish primary school. Students who have received the sacraments have a higher priority but we expect all students who submit an enrolment application by the closing date (Friday 26 July 2024) and are enrolled at a parish primary school will be offered a enrolment place for Year 7 2026.

If you have any questions on this, please contact Mrs Denise Lawrence (Sacred Heart College Registrar) on 54211200 or dlawrence@shckyneton.catholic.edu.au.

Staff and Student Activities

A number of significant activities have been held following the return to Term 3:

  • A group of eight students and two staff travelled to the Kimberley region of Western Australia continuing the College’s rich and deep relationship with the indigenous community of Jarlmadangah Burru.  There are wonderful photos featured further on in the Newsletter.  The students are also excited to write about their experience in the coming weeks.
  • All Sacred Heart staff came together last Monday for a faith Staff Development Day. The day focused heavily on the continuing role of Mercy in Australia and in our school with guest speakers from Young Mercy Links, Mercy Works and from our own Sr Madeline Duckett rsm. Congratulations to Sam Weir, Director of Faith and Mission on his leadership of the day.
  • Last week was the College’s Child Safe Week, which annually provides an important opportunity to remind students and staff of the expectations with respect to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of young people.
  • This Friday 26 July, the College is hosting a gathering of Mercy Education Business Managers from across Australia. They are spending three days in Central Victoria between Bendigo and Kyneton.

At The Heart - Mid Year Publication

Please find below a link to our Sacred Heart College publication, At The Heart'. This fabulous booklet celebrates the great range of student activities that occurred in Semester One.

Yours in Mercy,

Dr Darren Egberts


At the Heart Newsletter

Enjoy reading our Semester One Publication.

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