Paul Matthews - Head of Senior School
Senior School News
08 February 2024

The Wellbeing Day was a great way to mark the start of the 2024 school year. The senior students made a great start to the year as they participated in the various activities that were available throughout the day. The Wellbeing Day is an opportunity for students to reconnect with people that they may not have seen over the summer holidays.

This year the Senior School will continue to develop the Goal Setting process, where students will create their goals, then load them into SIMON. In an upcoming assembly, all senior students will use the time to reflect on their 2023 achievements, by reviewing their Semester Two report. All students will complete a S.W.O.T. analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats), using this information to develop three goals for the semester: My Learning goal; My Mercy Value goal; My Personal goal. There will be further reflections and reviewing of these goals throughout the year.

Semester One Subject Changes

The closing dates for Semester 1 subject changes for VCE subjects closed Wednesday 7 February. While Year 10 subject changes close Friday 10 February.

Meet the Homeroom Teacher Evening/Senior Workshop Evening  -  Monday 12 February

Earlier this week all senior school parents should have received an email about the Meet the Homeroom Teacher evening and the Senior Workshop evening. This is a new format, where a series of workshops relating to the Senior School will be provided. The workshops focus on topics such as VCAA Special Arrangement, VCE/VCE-VM Study Scores and ATAR, VETs, Careers programs for Year 10 and Year 12, as well as the Year 10 Certificate. Each workshop runs for 30 minutes and can be booked through links in Try-booking that are in this email.  A copy of this letter is also on PAM under 'Documentation for Families'  - Communications for your students year level.

Looking forward to Monday.

Senior School - Meet the Homeroom Teacher and Workshop Information

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