Paul Matthews - Head of Senior School
Senior School News
23 May 2024

Year 11 Retreat

Year 11 will be involved in their first Retreat, Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 May. The Retreat is a wonderful time for the Year level to take a short break away from their studies, spend time with each other, and engage in some reflective thinking.

Semester Two Subject Changes  -  Monday 27 May and will close on Wednesday 26 June

Information about the process for changing a unit will be available on SIMON. Student timetables will be uploaded to SIMON for the start of Term 3.

Any subject changes that could significantly impact future career plans, students will be required to organise a Career appointment. Information on the Change of Subject Process will be available to all students via Daily Messages towards the end of May.

Semester One Exams

Semester One Exams for Years 10 and 11 are only 3 weeks away! Students should have created a study timetable to help the prepare for the exams. If not, it is not too late. Students can use the link to create the revision/study timetable: How To Make An EFFECTIVE STUDY TIMETABLE

Here are some revision suggestions students could use to help them with their exams.

Passive Revision Strategies

Active Revision Strategies

Reading through notes


Typing or writing out notes

Creating Rhymes, stories or Mnemonics

Highlighting information in texts

Creating Mind Maps

Study groups with friends

Online: Quizlet, Kahoot, Blooket

Subject Selection: 2025

The process for Subject Selection (2025) will commence this Semester (refer to dates below, with more information relating to the specific year levels to be published in the lead-up to the selection process.

  • Year 11 moving into Year 12 (2025): Friday 7 June (Please note the change of date)

  • Year 10 moving into Year 11 (2025): Wednesday 17 July

  • Year 9 moving into Year 10 (2025): Tuesday 30 July

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