Ben Gallagher - The Arts Learning Area Leader
The Arts in 2024
08 March 2024


The start of the 2024 school year has been a busy time for various subjects in The Arts. Over the next few newsletters, we will focus on a variety of different subjects within The Arts Learning Area, and have a look at what they’re up to.

Year 9 Media students, with Mr Ben Gallagher, have been looking at how different camera angles and shots are used in films to tell a story, and have been filming and editing a series of ‘exercises’, focusing on using and editing angles and shots in sequence. They’re also loving wearing the new hi-vis 'MEDIA STUDENTS FILMING' vests in the yard when filming and you’ll see below a few shots of them, posing in their ‘high viz’!

Year 10 Media students, with Mrs Carla Matthews, have been looking at the structuring of time in film. They are in the process of storyboarding and creating their ‘My Day in 60 Seconds’ task, where they try to condense their day into one minute, using film editing techniques. We look forward to seeing their finished work in the coming months!

Year 12 Art - Creative Practise students, with Mrs Anne Berend, are hard at work developing ideas for their folios and their final artworks, which the public will get to see much later in the year!

Year 9 Visual Communication and Design students, with Ms Kirsten Gibson, have been looking at shading and the art of 3D rendering and using shade, tone, texture and colour in drawing and design.

We have some exciting news and events coming up this year in The Arts, so watch this space!

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