Sam Weir, Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching
VCE Awards 2024

VCE Awards Assembly

Our recent VCE Awards assembly was a time of great celebration. Firstly, it was a celebration of individual stories - for that is what our school is: a collection of remarkable young people, all with their own stories, who gather together each day to live and learn as a community. 

Secondly, it was a celebration of personal excellence. Each of the students and graduates who were recognised and awarded at the assembly had worked hard in the pursuit of their own personal excellence.

Finally, it was a celebration of the transformative role that education plays in our lives. From the time of Catherine McAuley until our own time, the Sisters of Mercy have understood the enormous power of education to enrich our lives and empower our communities. In that same spirit of Mercy, we celebrate not only the education our graduates have received, but also the positive impact that they will go on to have in the world around them, equipped with the life lessons they take with them from their time at Sacred Heart College. For many reasons, every graduate from the Class of 2024 can be proud of their endeavours, and of their personal accomplishments. We are proud of their contributions to Sacred Heart College, and we have no doubt that they will continue to serve as people of Mercy as they move more fully into the world beyond the school gates. We look forward to hearing about all of the adventures they will undertake as they move on into new chapters of their lives.

On this note, it is a great joy to report that all graduates from 2024 have shared with us their chosen directions for the year to come, whether this be further study, apprenticeships, moving into the workforce or seeking other adventures. Our Careers Team and wider Senior Pathways team are thanked for their ongoing support of our students, as they take their secondary school learnings out into the world. 

Included below is a graph depicting the post-school destinations chosen by each percentage of students, and a graph illustrating the range of tertiary courses that have been offered to graduates embarking on further studies.

VCE Awards Booklet

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