Jodie Wattie - VCE Coordinator
VCE News
08 February 2024

VCE / VCE VM contracts and Senior School Policy Handbook 2024

All parents/guardians of students enrolled in a VCE or VCE VM subject in 2024 will be sent a VCE Student Contract via PAM, and a digital copy of the Senior School Policy Handbook 2024.

Once this is received, we ask that you read the information provided with your child. The Senior School Policy Handbook clearly explains the VCAA rules surrounding attendance and assessments and all enrolled students should understand their responsibilities. The contract focuses on the following;

  1. 85% Attendance requirement (less than 8 lessons per VCE / VCE VM subject missed)
  2. Medical certificate or similar required if an Assessment Task or SAC date is missed due to illness or unforeseen circumstances (funeral etc)
  3. Consequences for missing an Assessment Task or SAC for an inappropriate reason OR without communicating with the College
  4. Importance of authentication if any of the above occur

You are required to complete the contract, via PAM response, to acknowledge that you have read the information provided with your child, and that they have understood their responsibilities as determined by VCAA.

If you have an queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me via email

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