Jodie Wattie
VCE PE and VM Personal Development Step Up
08 December 2023

Step up - VCE Physical Education Unit 1 and 2

The Unit 1 and 2 Physical Education students have jumped straight in to step up by learning about the skeletal system. Students have been enjoying the anatomy content and the fun activities to help their understanding. A great start to their VCE PE journey.

Step up – VCE VM Personal Development Skills (PDS)

Students in PDS learn about themselves, their strengths and how they fit in, and the part they play within a community. During step up students have been exploring the importance of effective communication when planning and participating in a mini project. Students successfully constructed a marble run, under time constraints, with the winning group keeping the marble travelling for longer than 15 seconds. They explored many skills that will help them in this subject, ensuring there are bigger and better projects to come!

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