Damian Hewett, Learning Area Leader
VCE Scientific Poster Presentation
21 May 2024

Earlier this month we were privileged to have Dr Greg Willis from the Bronowski Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience visit, to give a presentation on how to produce scientific posters to our VCE Science students.

The lunchtime presentation was very well attended by our science students who came to hear from Dr Willis, whose work has been published hundreds of times and is an expert on scientific poster production.

The presentation will be very useful as many of our students are currently completing, or about to complete, their major scientific investigations for their respective Unit 3 and 4 Science subjects.

We thank Dr Willis for coming to the College to share with us his wealth of scientific wisdom, an abundance of anecdotes and even an amusing original poem about a ‘phascogale from Pascoe Vale’.

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