Kirsty Barnes - Camps Coordinator
Year 10 Ski Camp Information
22 May 2024

Year 10 Falls Creek Ski Camp: 26 -30 August - Information for Families

Whilst August may still seem a while off yet, in the next few weeks we will be beginning the preparations for Ski Camp with all Year 10 Students.

Students will have an information session in assembly in the coming weeks, outlining the camp and what it entails, as well as the equipment required.

With regards to equipment required on the mountain, students are provided with hired skis, boots, poles, and a helmet. All students, however, are required to have their own waterproof snow gloves and eye protection, in either the form of sunglasses or snow goggles. Whilst many families may not already have these items, these can be borrowed from family, or friends in other year levels. In the coming months retail stores such as Anaconda and Aldi will begin having sales on ski gear and will have these items available for purchase at good prices.

Students also have the option to either bring their own waterproof snow jacket, and waterproof snow pants or they have the opportunity to hire these items. If students choose to hire these items these are covered under the costs of the camp, however they will need to indicate this in the coming weeks. It is important that you discuss this requirement with your student.

After students have had their information session regarding camp in the Year 10 Assembly, students will need to complete a Google Form via their Google Classrooms outlining their details and past skiing experiences. On this form they will be able to indicate if they need to hire the waterproof snow jacket and/or pants. This information will then be used to finalise our bookings with Falls Creek.

Further information including PAM permissions and the Camp Handbook will be available for families next Term closer to the date.

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