Helen Campbell, Learning Area Leader
Year 12 VCE VM Work Related Skills

Year 12 VCE VM Work Related Skills

As part of the Year 12 VCE VM Unit 3 Work Related Skills, a jigsaw puzzle is always available in the classroom for students to contribute to, so that the puzzle is completed over a period of time.

The purpose of this activity includes having the students develop and improve some of their transferable or employability skills: skills such as communication, problem solving, teamwork etc as well as improving personal attributes like patience, perseverance and resilience. These skills are important, not just in work (or school) situations, but in life in general.

The puzzle completed over the past few weeks has been particularly challenging as it is a Wasgij – a jigsaw where there is a picture provided but it is NOT a picture of the completed puzzle. Students have to work out what the completed picture may be, and work towards completing the puzzle without actually knowing what it is!

We will continue to have a jigsaw ‘on the go’ throughout the year. Congratulations to the WRS students in completing their first and very challenging puzzle for 2025.

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