Sam Weir - Director of Faith and Mission
Year 7 Reflection Day Activities
05 March 2024

Stations of the Cross: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

The Stations of the Cross follow the story of Jesus, as he is taken to be crucified. It is a deeply moving story about the existence of suffering and injustice in our world, and a story that calls us to respond with courage and compassion. As we journey through the season of Lent, we invite students and staff to contemplate the meaning of the Stations of the Cross in their own lives. In particular, we draw attention to Station 6: “Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus”.

Veronica was a friend of Jesus. She walked with him, as he was led to his death. Veronica could not stop what was happening, but knew that she could stay with her friend, and offer him comfort and kindness, even at this darkest time. Veronica’s act of compassion and kindness was inherently dignified and worthwhile. It is always an act of grace to reach out in comfort to another person. To take their hand in yours, and to say: I am here with you; I care; you are not alone. As visible signs of our own desire to reach out in comfort and care to the world around us, we have begun hanging strips of coloured fabric to some of our deciduous trees, symbolising the cloth that Veronica lifts to the face of Christ. As we move deeper into autumn and the leaves begin to fall, the presence of these cloths continue to bring colour and hope into our community.

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