Mary Ann Glynn
Year 9 History Incursion
10 November 2023

Our Year 9 History cohort immersed themselves in a WWI incursion on Wednesday, October 25. History Up Close curated an extensive collection of primary source artifacts, offering students hands-on exploration. This incursion became a platform for classes to discern and analyse diverse historical perspectives, focusing on propaganda, attitudes towards war, soldier compensation and pay, food, and the  uniforms and weapons utilised by both Australians and their adversaries.

Through these primary sources, classes gained insight into the harsh realities of trench warfare, providing a window into the lived experiences of that challenging time. Discussions extended to the key aspects of World War I and the distinctive Australian wartime narrative. The incursion left a lasting impact on many, proving to be both engaging and educational. The timing of the incursion felt especially fitting as it was held close to Remembrance Day.

Thank you to History Up Close and all Year 9 students for actively participating in the insightful discussions and activities.

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