Newsletter 1

07 February 2025

Prayer for our Common Earth

Eternal God, the whole world is full of your glory.
We bear forth the anguish of creation in the time of the
climate crisis to you.
In your grace, grant us the opportunity to do good,
as your created co-creators.

Jesus Christ, you have walked the earth
and live in our midst.
Make us sensitive to the suffering of humankind
and the entire creation.
Strengthen us in our endeavours to create a life of dignity,
in justice and solidarity with those who live and will live.

Holy Spirit, power of courage and self-control,
you speak to our consciences.
Comfort us when we suffer and are plagued by anxiety.
Make us worry when we are numb in the
calmness of complacency.
Re-create us to become what we are:
one humanity under the same sky.

This week’s prayer reflects on the universal Church’s ongoing call to integral ecology, to care for our common home. Recent weeks have seen a series of challenging even catastrophic weather events: once-in-a-century floods in North Queensland, severe heatwaves in WA, SA, Victoria and NSW, and terrifying bushfires across the nation. This prayer reminds us of Pope Francis’ prescient words in Laudato Si, that Christian mercy and justice challenges each of us to confront climate change as an existential crisis.

Welcome back to all students and families as the first week of the 2025 school year comes to a close. It was a joy to have students back on site on Monday and Tuesday and particularly the College’s newest enrolments (including 167 Year 7 students); I’m sure that each of them has experienced the very best of Mercy hospitality this week.

Beginning of Year Activities

The first two weeks of the school year have been busy for students and staff with a number of significant events:

  • The first whole school gathering was held in Quambi yesterday with the celebration of the College’s Opening Mass. The mass explored the 2025 College theme, “Pilgrims of Hope” and was led by College Chaplain, Fr Declan. Congratulations and thank you to everyone involved.
  • Last Friday, the teaching and education staff enjoyed a full day of professional development with renowned clinical psychologist, Andrew Fuller. The day was titled “Understanding the adolescent brain to empower inclusivity” and challenged teachers to reflect upon what recent developments in neuroscience in adolescents mean for learning outcomes in our classrooms.
  • The Year 7 Transition program has been very successful with students working through a variety of activities designed to facilitate their start at Sacred Heart College. The program includes a visit to 'Splash' in Craigeburn this Friday.
  • Over the next couple of weeks, parents have the opportunity to begin the school year with a casual chat to students’ homeroom teachers and Year Level Leader. Please check the College calendar for dates and times for these.

Holiday Works

Over the Christmas/New Year break, the College was a bustling construction site with a range of projects undertaken internally and with the assistance of external contractors. These include:

  • Landscaping works to more closely link the Year 7 Hilary building with the portables behind and adjacent recreational areas.
  • Refurbishment of the existing Principal’s office into a consolidated Year 7 – 12 Student Reception immediately adjacent to College Reception.
  • Construction of new student entrance to Reception via the western side of Gabriel Sherlock.
  • Removal of cypress trees on eastern edge of property.

Parent Involvement – College Advisory Council and College Finance Committee

Two important groups that support the operations of Sacred Heart College are the College Advisory Council and the College Finance Committee. I am looking for additional members for each committee with the departure of some longstanding members. A summary of the responsibilities of each group (as detailed by Mercy Education) is included below:

  • The College Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where parent voice and community perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the principal where students’ wellbeing and outcomes are paramount.
  • The Finance Committee is responsible for the oversight of and summary reporting to College Advisory Council of the following aspects of school finances: financial performance of the College; policy matters relating to finance or capital works; recommendations on the annual budget.

I would welcome expressions of interest for either group from interested parents with appointments at the discretion of the Principal. Membership of each group is normally for two year cycles with two or three cycles preferred. Interested parents are invited to email the Principal’s Assistant, Loretta Hanns (

Bus Travel Update

Thanks to all students and families who have supported the changes to bus travel arrangements this year. Any students or parents with questions are asked to contact SHC Bus Coordinator, Melinda Plumb (

Importantly, any families or students who have been allocated a seat on a bus route and are not using that seat are asked to contact SHC and let us know.

Yours in Mercy,

Dr Darren Egberts


As we begin a new school year, we do so as Pilgrims of Hope, stepping into new opportunities and challenges. Whether starting high school, moving into senior years, or continuing the journey of learning, each transition is a threshold moment—a time of change, growth, and discovery.

This year, our College theme, Pilgrims of Hope, reflects the spirit of the Jubilee Year, a biblical tradition rooted in renewal, restoration, and trust in God’s promises. In Scripture, a Jubilee was a sacred time of freedom and new beginnings, a call to reset, reconcile, and reimagine the future with faith. It reminds us that God continually invites us to step forward in hope, knowing that we are never alone on the journey.

At Sacred Heart College, we are called to walk this path together, grounded in the values of Mercy—compassion, justice, respect, hospitality, service, and courage. Change can be challenging, but it is also an invitation to grow, to support one another, and to step into the future with confidence.

As I begin my own journey at Sacred Heart College as the new Director of Faith and Mission, I look forward to walking alongside this community, embracing the hope and promise of the year ahead. May we all step forward with open hearts, ready to build the Kingdom and live out our call to serve.

Semper Fidelis.

Now that the school year has begun in earnest and many of our young people have grown so much over the summer holidays, it would be a timely opportunity to revisit our uniform expectations. Some minor changes has occurred and I have included a link to the uniform page on the College website here. You will find information on the uniform guidelines, open hours for the uniform shop and instructions for the Click and Collect process on this page.

Uniform Brochure

Website - My SHC

The MY SHC section of the Sacred Heart Website ( is a quick ‘go to’ area for our current parents. The items you will find in MY SHC are:

  • Booklists - Campion Website
  • Digitech Support
  • PAM/SIMON login
  • SHC Calendar
  • My School Connect (login for lunch orders)
  • Wellbeing Support
  • Uniform
  • Parent Handbook

College Handbook 2025

The College Handbook is a comprehensive guide to all information you will need as a parent at Sacred Heart College.

Finding Communications, documents and much more

The current lunch order system is My School Connect. Students can order and pay for their lunch online through My School Connect, however, if students would like to purchase items in the Cafeteria this can be done at first recess and lunch, they pay for these by cash, personal card, or their student card (no phones can be used for purchases). Parents can set up an account via MySHC on the website, or click below. Whilst second recess is unavailable to purchase items, students have access to the Atrium space.

My School Connect - Log In

Canteen Price List Term 1 2025

Click Here

First Week of 2025 in Languages

The 3rd of February in Japan is known as ‘Setsubun’. It traditionally marks the transition from Winter to Spring, based on the old lunar calendar. It is a festival celebrated in schools and houses all over Japan. On this day, homes, schools, temples and shrines participate in the bean-throwing festival. People wear ‘demon’ masks while others take a handful of soybeans and throw them outside and at the household member with the mask on, while shouting ‘oni wa soto’ (demons get out) and ‘fuku wa uchi’ (good luck, come in).

The festival also allows us to put things behind us and start afresh. This week in our Year 8 Japanese classes, we studied about festivals and then participated by throwing beans at the masked students. This provided the students the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and set new goals for Year 8 Japanese. We then summarised five main points we learned about the festival on a cut out of a hand and decorated the classroom with what we had learned.

Our Music Department has started the year off with a lovely performance at the Beginning of Year Mass.

Instrumental lessons resume on Monday 10 February, in school hours and under the expert instruction of our highly qualified Instrumental Music Teachers.

If you haven't enrolled yet and would like to learn an instrument, please click on the link below.

Instrumental Music enrollment 2025

At SHCK you can learn the following instruments:

Piano/Drums/Guitar/Bass Guitar/Saxophone/Clarinet/Flute/Voice/Trumpet/Trombone/Violin/Cello.

I thoroughly recommend that students enrol to learn a musical instrument, especially those in junior years. Learning an instrument has huge benefits to a student’s academic, social and organisational skills, as well as promoting positive mental health! Each year, we see a direct correlation between those students who learn a musical instrument, and those student who are recognised for academic excellence at our Awards Assemblies. Plus, it’s a really fun thing to do!

School Fee Payment Plans for 2025

If you have not returned your School Fee Payment Plan, can you please complete the form below immediately. Once completed, email it to the Accounts Department on to commence payment of your school fees. 

School Fee Payment Plan 2025

Unless you are paying up front and in full, School Fee Payment Plans must be completed each year.

Should you be experiencing financial difficulty please contact the college Accounts Department on 5421 1218 for a Confidential Concession Application.

Concession Card Holders – Camps, Sport & Excursions Fund (CSEF

School Saving Bonus

Camp, Sport & Excursion Fund (CSEF) is a $250 payment provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families with the cost of camps, excursions and sporting funds. To be eligible you will need to hold a means tested concession card or you are a temporary foster parent. Should your application be successful the college will match the $250.00 funding.

Eligible parents receive a $900 Credit Per Student on their 2025 school fees, when the above funding and discounts are applied.

The 2025 Application Form is now available on the College Website or attached below - https://www.shckyneton.catholi...

CSEF Application Form

Newsletter 1

07 February 2025

Prayer for our Common Earth

Eternal God, the whole world is full of your glory.
We bear forth the anguish of creation in the time of the
climate crisis to you.
In your grace, grant us the opportunity to do good,
as your created co-creators.

Jesus Christ, you have walked the earth
and live in our midst.
Make us sensitive to the suffering of humankind
and the entire creation.
Strengthen us in our endeavours to create a life of dignity,
in justice and solidarity with those who live and will live.

Holy Spirit, power of courage and self-control,
you speak to our consciences.
Comfort us when we suffer and are plagued by anxiety.
Make us worry when we are numb in the
calmness of complacency.
Re-create us to become what we are:
one humanity under the same sky.

This week’s prayer reflects on the universal Church’s ongoing call to integral ecology, to care for our common home. Recent weeks have seen a series of challenging even catastrophic weather events: once-in-a-century floods in North Queensland, severe heatwaves in WA, SA, Victoria and NSW, and terrifying bushfires across the nation. This prayer reminds us of Pope Francis’ prescient words in Laudato Si, that Christian mercy and justice challenges each of us to confront climate change as an existential crisis.

Welcome back to all students and families as the first week of the 2025 school year comes to a close. It was a joy to have students back on site on Monday and Tuesday and particularly the College’s newest enrolments (including 167 Year 7 students); I’m sure that each of them has experienced the very best of Mercy hospitality this week.

Beginning of Year Activities

The first two weeks of the school year have been busy for students and staff with a number of significant events:

  • The first whole school gathering was held in Quambi yesterday with the celebration of the College’s Opening Mass. The mass explored the 2025 College theme, “Pilgrims of Hope” and was led by College Chaplain, Fr Declan. Congratulations and thank you to everyone involved.
  • Last Friday, the teaching and education staff enjoyed a full day of professional development with renowned clinical psychologist, Andrew Fuller. The day was titled “Understanding the adolescent brain to empower inclusivity” and challenged teachers to reflect upon what recent developments in neuroscience in adolescents mean for learning outcomes in our classrooms.
  • The Year 7 Transition program has been very successful with students working through a variety of activities designed to facilitate their start at Sacred Heart College. The program includes a visit to 'Splash' in Craigeburn this Friday.
  • Over the next couple of weeks, parents have the opportunity to begin the school year with a casual chat to students’ homeroom teachers and Year Level Leader. Please check the College calendar for dates and times for these.

Holiday Works

Over the Christmas/New Year break, the College was a bustling construction site with a range of projects undertaken internally and with the assistance of external contractors. These include:

  • Landscaping works to more closely link the Year 7 Hilary building with the portables behind and adjacent recreational areas.
  • Refurbishment of the existing Principal’s office into a consolidated Year 7 – 12 Student Reception immediately adjacent to College Reception.
  • Construction of new student entrance to Reception via the western side of Gabriel Sherlock.
  • Removal of cypress trees on eastern edge of property.

Parent Involvement – College Advisory Council and College Finance Committee

Two important groups that support the operations of Sacred Heart College are the College Advisory Council and the College Finance Committee. I am looking for additional members for each committee with the departure of some longstanding members. A summary of the responsibilities of each group (as detailed by Mercy Education) is included below:

  • The College Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where parent voice and community perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the principal where students’ wellbeing and outcomes are paramount.
  • The Finance Committee is responsible for the oversight of and summary reporting to College Advisory Council of the following aspects of school finances: financial performance of the College; policy matters relating to finance or capital works; recommendations on the annual budget.

I would welcome expressions of interest for either group from interested parents with appointments at the discretion of the Principal. Membership of each group is normally for two year cycles with two or three cycles preferred. Interested parents are invited to email the Principal’s Assistant, Loretta Hanns (

Bus Travel Update

Thanks to all students and families who have supported the changes to bus travel arrangements this year. Any students or parents with questions are asked to contact SHC Bus Coordinator, Melinda Plumb (

Importantly, any families or students who have been allocated a seat on a bus route and are not using that seat are asked to contact SHC and let us know.

Yours in Mercy,

Dr Darren Egberts


As we begin a new school year, we do so as Pilgrims of Hope, stepping into new opportunities and challenges. Whether starting high school, moving into senior years, or continuing the journey of learning, each transition is a threshold moment—a time of change, growth, and discovery.

This year, our College theme, Pilgrims of Hope, reflects the spirit of the Jubilee Year, a biblical tradition rooted in renewal, restoration, and trust in God’s promises. In Scripture, a Jubilee was a sacred time of freedom and new beginnings, a call to reset, reconcile, and reimagine the future with faith. It reminds us that God continually invites us to step forward in hope, knowing that we are never alone on the journey.

At Sacred Heart College, we are called to walk this path together, grounded in the values of Mercy—compassion, justice, respect, hospitality, service, and courage. Change can be challenging, but it is also an invitation to grow, to support one another, and to step into the future with confidence.

As I begin my own journey at Sacred Heart College as the new Director of Faith and Mission, I look forward to walking alongside this community, embracing the hope and promise of the year ahead. May we all step forward with open hearts, ready to build the Kingdom and live out our call to serve.

Semper Fidelis.

Now that the school year has begun in earnest and many of our young people have grown so much over the summer holidays, it would be a timely opportunity to revisit our uniform expectations. Some minor changes has occurred and I have included a link to the uniform page on the College website here. You will find information on the uniform guidelines, open hours for the uniform shop and instructions for the Click and Collect process on this page.

Uniform Brochure

Website - My SHC

The MY SHC section of the Sacred Heart Website ( is a quick ‘go to’ area for our current parents. The items you will find in MY SHC are:

  • Booklists - Campion Website
  • Digitech Support
  • PAM/SIMON login
  • SHC Calendar
  • My School Connect (login for lunch orders)
  • Wellbeing Support
  • Uniform
  • Parent Handbook

College Handbook 2025

The College Handbook is a comprehensive guide to all information you will need as a parent at Sacred Heart College.

Finding Communications, documents and much more

The current lunch order system is My School Connect. Students can order and pay for their lunch online through My School Connect, however, if students would like to purchase items in the Cafeteria this can be done at first recess and lunch, they pay for these by cash, personal card, or their student card (no phones can be used for purchases). Parents can set up an account via MySHC on the website, or click below. Whilst second recess is unavailable to purchase items, students have access to the Atrium space.

My School Connect - Log In

Canteen Price List Term 1 2025

Click Here

First Week of 2025 in Languages

The 3rd of February in Japan is known as ‘Setsubun’. It traditionally marks the transition from Winter to Spring, based on the old lunar calendar. It is a festival celebrated in schools and houses all over Japan. On this day, homes, schools, temples and shrines participate in the bean-throwing festival. People wear ‘demon’ masks while others take a handful of soybeans and throw them outside and at the household member with the mask on, while shouting ‘oni wa soto’ (demons get out) and ‘fuku wa uchi’ (good luck, come in).

The festival also allows us to put things behind us and start afresh. This week in our Year 8 Japanese classes, we studied about festivals and then participated by throwing beans at the masked students. This provided the students the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and set new goals for Year 8 Japanese. We then summarised five main points we learned about the festival on a cut out of a hand and decorated the classroom with what we had learned.

Our Music Department has started the year off with a lovely performance at the Beginning of Year Mass.

Instrumental lessons resume on Monday 10 February, in school hours and under the expert instruction of our highly qualified Instrumental Music Teachers.

If you haven't enrolled yet and would like to learn an instrument, please click on the link below.

Instrumental Music enrollment 2025

At SHCK you can learn the following instruments:

Piano/Drums/Guitar/Bass Guitar/Saxophone/Clarinet/Flute/Voice/Trumpet/Trombone/Violin/Cello.

I thoroughly recommend that students enrol to learn a musical instrument, especially those in junior years. Learning an instrument has huge benefits to a student’s academic, social and organisational skills, as well as promoting positive mental health! Each year, we see a direct correlation between those students who learn a musical instrument, and those student who are recognised for academic excellence at our Awards Assemblies. Plus, it’s a really fun thing to do!

School Fee Payment Plans for 2025

If you have not returned your School Fee Payment Plan, can you please complete the form below immediately. Once completed, email it to the Accounts Department on to commence payment of your school fees. 

School Fee Payment Plan 2025

Unless you are paying up front and in full, School Fee Payment Plans must be completed each year.

Should you be experiencing financial difficulty please contact the college Accounts Department on 5421 1218 for a Confidential Concession Application.

Concession Card Holders – Camps, Sport & Excursions Fund (CSEF

School Saving Bonus

Camp, Sport & Excursion Fund (CSEF) is a $250 payment provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families with the cost of camps, excursions and sporting funds. To be eligible you will need to hold a means tested concession card or you are a temporary foster parent. Should your application be successful the college will match the $250.00 funding.

Eligible parents receive a $900 Credit Per Student on their 2025 school fees, when the above funding and discounts are applied.

The 2025 Application Form is now available on the College Website or attached below - https://www.shckyneton.catholi...

CSEF Application Form