Newsletter 14

06 September 2024

This week’s prayer celebrates the arrival of spring in the Macedon Ranges with blossoms on trees, daffodils in gardens and unpredictable weather -  clear signs that winter is passing. I hope that last weekend’s storms did not cause too many problems to members of the Sacred Heart College community.

Important Correspondence

Earlier this week, a number of important letters were distributed:

  • Details of possible changes to bus access with some families to be subject to State Government charges; and
  • Details of the 2025 Parent Purchase laptop program for prospective Year 7 & 10 students.

Families who did not receive this correspondence can access it via PAM, Knowledge Bank, Documentation for Families.

Catholic Identity and Religious Education Week

The College is currently undertaking a review of all aspects of Religious Education and Catholic Identity across the school – leadership, programs, curriculum and faith formation. These aspects are critical and foundational to Sacred Heart College’s mission as a Catholic school in the Mercy tradition and, therefore, it is important to explore any opportunities for improvement. The review will be conducted by the College Principal and will include interviews with members of the College Leadership Team, leading RE teachers and representative students.

College Activities

  • A busy few weeks of camps concluded last week with the Year 10 Alpine Camp. The success of this camp was especially pleasing given the challenges presented by the weather. Congratulations to all students and staff but especially the College Camps Coordinator, Ms Kirsty Barnes.
  • There have also been some wonderful sporting achievements which are detailed further on in the Newsletter.
  • It was wonderful to see so many families enjoying Father's Day Breakfast last Friday.  A big thank you to the Hospitality students and staff for their efforts, as well as their preparations throughout the week.  Thank you also to our talented musicians who added to the atmosphere with their performances.  All the photos taken throughout the breakfast can be accessed in the Newsletter.
  • The final three weeks of term will include a range of activities highlighting different themes and learning areas: This week is Sustainability Week, next week is Religious Education Week and the final week of term is Health and Physical Education Week.

Bereavements  -  Your prayers are asked for the following families who are mourning the passing of a loved one recently.  The Byham family on the passing of Bruce Hines, great grandfather of Claire 10A and Henry 7C.  Also, the Gray family on the passing of Barry Gray, grandfather of Stella 10C and the Evans family on the passing of Raymond Dixon, great grandfather of Isla 7C and Jewel 9C.  Our thoughts are with you all at this sad time.

Yours in Mercy,

Dr Darren Egberts


Father’s Day 2024

If you would like to access your family photo click the link: 

Photos - Fathers Day Breakfast

Northern Metropolitan Secondary Netball Region Finals

Exciting news for our Year 7 girls who played their second day of competition at the Northern Metropolitan Secondary Netball Region Finals last week. 

Having won all three pool games they progressed to the final. They faced a very strong Melbourne Girls Grammar team in the final and won! 

They were crown Northern Metropolitan Champions and now head off to State Finals being played at Waverley Sport Centre.   An outstanding achievement - congratulations to the team and coaches.

Jodie Wattie

Australian Cross Country Championships

Well done to our Year 8 student, Tyler Fynch, on representing Victoria at the Australian Cross Country National Championships held at Symmons Plains Raceway, Launceston, Tasmania, last Saturday.

The running conditions were very challenging with torrential rain, gail force winds and a muddy, slippery cross country course to navigate.

Tyler had a great run in the brutal conditions to finish fourth, and first Victorian across the line in the U15 4km.

Tyler also claimed bronze in the teams category for Victoria. Congratulations, Tyler, on your outstanding achievement!

Damien Zanic

Year 7 Girls Soccer

Having won the Mickleham Division, our year 7 Girls Soccer Team played in the Northern Metro Region playoffs, and put in a commendable performance. They defeated Wollert 2-0, with goals from Lucinda Bowen and Riley Smith, but narrowly lost to Thornbury 2-0. Their final match against Viewbank ended in a scoreless draw, despite some good chances. Isabelle Salinitri's impressive saves helped keep the team in the game. 

Overall, it was a solid effort from the team. Well done!

Matt Carroll

Year 8 Girls Basketball

On Monday 26 August, the Year 8 girls, coached by Tighe and Zara, competed in the Mickelham Division Year 8 Girls Basketball at Broadmeadows. The girls did really well all day, however, couldn’t quite make it through to the next round.

The team consisting of Arabella, Matilda, Nina, Lexie, Esme and Amelia achieved three wins and just one loss. Zara, the head coach commented: “Although the girls got off to a slow start, they showed a lot of improvement and had fun as the day continued. They fought hard all day

Esme noted: “I enjoyed the day a lot, and the coaches really helped the team and walked us through a lot of stuff we needed to know in the game. It was very fun watching other teams playing also.”

Matilda said: “It was a great day regardless of the end result, as we still went out had fun and tried our best. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without our coaches who impacted the way we played”.

The coaches and players would like to give a massive shout out to Ms White and Ms Chilton for making this day possible.

Zara Conway

Year 8 Boys Basketball

The Year 8 boys had a good day out at Basketball in Broadmeadows on Monday. We started the day off strong with two consecutive wins against Edgar's Creek and Elevation Secondary College, making it all the way to finals! We unfortunately then lost to Wallan Secondary College in a tight match where the boys didn't stop fighting the whole match. 

Overall they played well and had fun and would definitely do it again.

Murphy James

Healthy Burgers - Wednesday 18 September

To celebrate HPE week, students and staff will be able to enjoy a healthy burger on Wednesday 18 September.

Burgers will be $5 and must be preordered by 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟖 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 using the trybooking link below. They will be available for collection during lunchtime.

Last week as a school we celebrated English and Library week with a range of activities designed to highlight literacy and the joy of reading. 

Activities were held in the Library throughout the week, culminating in our annual dress up/casual day where both students and staff were invited to dress up as their favourite book character for the day and participate in our book parade at lunchtime.

Our casual day raised almost $800 for Mercy Works Australia. Mercy Works programs provide support to refugees and asylum seekers, nurture well-being and self-esteem and improve students’ literacy and numeracy skills.

Thank you and congratulations to everyone who donated and participated!

Study of Homelessness

This term Year 9 RE students have been studying prophecy and ways to stand up and speak out about an issue. 

Recently they focused on the topic of homelessness, and the organisations that are working towards making a difference to this issue. Pictured here is some of their work that they have researched and collated on two significant services that are making a difference to those without a home.

Year 10 Alpine Camp: An Unforgettable Adventure on the Slopes

This year’s Year 10 Alpine Camp was a remarkable blend of adventure, camaraderie, and personal growth. Held at the picturesque Falls Creek Resort and Howman’s Gap YMCA, the camp offered our students an opportunity to escape the classroom and embrace the great outdoors.

From the moment students arrived, the excitement of seeing snow was palpable. For many students, this had been their first time to go skiing. With snow-capped mountains as their backdrop, they quickly swapped their school uniforms for ski gear. The camp kicked off with a comprehensive safety briefing.

Throughout the week, students engaged in a range of activities designed to enhance their skiing skills, build teamwork, and foster resilience. Daily ski lessons led by experienced instructors helped participants refine their techniques and gain confidence on the slopes.

Whether they were novice skiers or seasoned enthusiasts, every student found a challenge that matched their abilities.

The camp also featured activities such as: rock climbing, archery, a giant swing and group challenges, promoting a sense of friendly rivalry and encouraging personal bests.

Beyond skiing, the camp was an opportunity for students to bond with their peers and teachers in a relaxed, informal setting. Evenings were filled with engaging group activities, including a liturgy, trivia night, a VIP dining experience for the lucky trivia winners and a pyjama dress up. Students also met with their ski groups every night to debrief and reflect on their experiences of that day. These moments helped forge stronger bonds and lasting connections within the year level.

The camp also emphasised the importance of responsibility and self-care. Students took on various roles and responsibilities, from managing their own gear to participating in team-building exercises. These experiences not only enhanced their practical skills but also nurtured their independence and leadership qualities.

Overall, Year 10 Alpine Camp was a tremendous success, leaving students with cherished memories and new skills. As they return to their academic routines, they carry with them the lessons learned on the slopes  -  lessons of perseverance, teamwork, and the joy of embracing new challenges. We extend our gratitude to the staff, parents and students who made this camp such a memorable experience. Here's to many more adventures in the future!

Frayne Speech Festival 2024

On Friday 30 August, some members of our Senior debating team attended the Frayne Speech Festival at Our Lady of Mercy College in Heidelberg.

The Frayne Speech Festival was established in 1996 and is named after Mother Ursula Frayne, leader of the first group of Sisters of Mercy to arrive in Australia from Ireland in 1846. She was not only responsible for beginning Mercy schools in both Perth and Melbourne, she was also a ferocious advocate for education.

In her honour, for over 20 years Mercy schools from all over Australia come together once a year to compete in a festival solely devoted to celebrating the spoken word. We share examples of the ways we can use our voices to share ideas, debate contentious questions and bring joy to the world by bringing poetry to life.

Our students found the experience invaluable observing debates and voice choir competitions. A special thanks to Ms Glynn who accompanied us on the day.

Each year a different Mercy school hosts the festival and we are very excited to announce that Sacred Heart College will be hosting the 2025 Festival.

Sustainability Week – Op Shop Event

Sacred Heart College recently hosted its first-ever Op Shop event. The Op Shop was designed to give preloved clothes a second life, reducing the amount of textile waste that ends up in our local landfills. The event exceeded all expectations, demonstrating the power of our community to come together for a worthy cause.

Not only did this event encourage reusing and recycling, but it also sparked important conversations about the environmental and human toll of the fast fashion industry.

A huge thank you to students, families, and staff that donated a wide range of high-quality clothing items.

Child Poverty Donation - Year 8 'Make a Difference' Project

For my MAD Project, I've been studying child poverty, and I've created a poster and put information in the College Daily Messages for my collection drive. I am seeking donations for Bendigo Sunshine Mums.  The baby and toddler items that can be donated are detailed on the poster attached. 

Your donations of these items will be much appreciated.  Students can leave items at the Student Office and will be taken until the end of Term.

Matilda Matthews 8D

On Monday 2 September, the Year 12 R.E. Project Group: 'Caring for the Environment', visited Cassinia Landcare in Kyneton.

As part of our visit, we had a depot tour and a chat to the Cassinia members, Kim and Laura about tree planting, land conservation overview, protection and restoration and pathways for students. Thanks to Mrs Devine for accompanying us and to our Head of Maintenance, Steve Huntly, for ferrying us back and forth in the mini-bus, as it was a bitterly cold first day of Spring!

It was a great trip, and several of our students got to try on a bit of the safety gear that Cassinia workers use in their land conservation work.

This trip was at the start of ‘Sustainability Week’ and our group is doing a tree-planting exercise at school to finish the whole project off in Week 10. 

Senior Art Student News

Currently our senior Arts students are at work preparing for their all-important end of year artworks, folios, performance exams and school assessed tasks. Here is a snapshot of what a few are up to:

Grace Hedrick – 12 Theatre Studies

"I’m doing Nelly Robinson’s monologue from the Australian play ‘Salt Creek Murders’. It’s about a woman struggling with the guilt of having an affair and her husband’s death, which she may or may not have been responsible for, and it goes through the motions of what she’s feeling in the moment. I’ll perform this to VCAA assessors in Melbourne in early Term 4".

Will Erwin - 12 Media

"I’m making a comedy documentary style film about an immortal knight who is now stuck in the 21st-century and is struggling to adapt".

Alexandra Christo – 12 Visual Communication and Design

"I’m designing a cafe that runs on the train line and educates people on the environment".

Kayla Hogbin - 12 Music

I am going through my repertoire, where I perform a number of songs to VCAA assessors in early Term 4. I am focusing on the difficult parts of each song, doing basically an hour and a half rehearsal every night, to try and make them as perfect as I can, as well as going to my music teacher every Saturday. One song I’m working on at the moment is ‘Burn’ from Hamilton, tricky part of which is the ‘belting’ at the end.

Molly Pankhurst - 12 Art Creative Practice

"I’m doing a tapestry piece. The overarching theme is reclaiming stories of female injustice in Greek mythology from a modern feminist perspective".

Myles Brabham - 12 Art Creative Practice

"I’ve flipped my original theme for Unit 3 entirely into a more positive sense and so my artwork is a large drawing with a lot of different materials in it, of me and my partner. My original idea was ‘loss’ and now I’m doing ‘gain’ the idea of gaining someone that actually cares about me".

Artist Talks

This week our Year 11 Art Creative Practice students were fortunate enough to have shortlisted Archibald prize artist and Sacred Heart staff member Liz Sullivan talk to them about her creative practice. Liz discussed the way she tackles her artwork and it was a great experience for the students and an opportunity to hear from a practising artist about how they organise themselves to get the most out of their artwork and their ‘creative practice’.

Music Matinee

A number of our talented students performed on Tuesday this week as part of our music matinee series. The spring weather really helped us out as we had a concert near the chessboard and some very talented students performing in the courtyard, organised by our Music Captains, Lachie Hyatt and Amelia Walsh.

The students who performed were:

  • Astrid Le Noury  -   Drums  -  Astrid was also joined by Tom Holland - Bass and Tahlia Connell - vocals
  • Loki Perch-Nielsen - Saxophone
  • Coen Cursio-Brundle - Drums
  • Ryan Stratford - Drums
  • Jarvis Lander - Piano
  • We also had a dynamic brother/sister duo of Lachie Hyatt on Drums and Grace Hyatt – bass.
Newsletter 14

06 September 2024

This week’s prayer celebrates the arrival of spring in the Macedon Ranges with blossoms on trees, daffodils in gardens and unpredictable weather -  clear signs that winter is passing. I hope that last weekend’s storms did not cause too many problems to members of the Sacred Heart College community.

Important Correspondence

Earlier this week, a number of important letters were distributed:

  • Details of possible changes to bus access with some families to be subject to State Government charges; and
  • Details of the 2025 Parent Purchase laptop program for prospective Year 7 & 10 students.

Families who did not receive this correspondence can access it via PAM, Knowledge Bank, Documentation for Families.

Catholic Identity and Religious Education Week

The College is currently undertaking a review of all aspects of Religious Education and Catholic Identity across the school – leadership, programs, curriculum and faith formation. These aspects are critical and foundational to Sacred Heart College’s mission as a Catholic school in the Mercy tradition and, therefore, it is important to explore any opportunities for improvement. The review will be conducted by the College Principal and will include interviews with members of the College Leadership Team, leading RE teachers and representative students.

College Activities

  • A busy few weeks of camps concluded last week with the Year 10 Alpine Camp. The success of this camp was especially pleasing given the challenges presented by the weather. Congratulations to all students and staff but especially the College Camps Coordinator, Ms Kirsty Barnes.
  • There have also been some wonderful sporting achievements which are detailed further on in the Newsletter.
  • It was wonderful to see so many families enjoying Father's Day Breakfast last Friday.  A big thank you to the Hospitality students and staff for their efforts, as well as their preparations throughout the week.  Thank you also to our talented musicians who added to the atmosphere with their performances.  All the photos taken throughout the breakfast can be accessed in the Newsletter.
  • The final three weeks of term will include a range of activities highlighting different themes and learning areas: This week is Sustainability Week, next week is Religious Education Week and the final week of term is Health and Physical Education Week.

Bereavements  -  Your prayers are asked for the following families who are mourning the passing of a loved one recently.  The Byham family on the passing of Bruce Hines, great grandfather of Claire 10A and Henry 7C.  Also, the Gray family on the passing of Barry Gray, grandfather of Stella 10C and the Evans family on the passing of Raymond Dixon, great grandfather of Isla 7C and Jewel 9C.  Our thoughts are with you all at this sad time.

Yours in Mercy,

Dr Darren Egberts


Father’s Day 2024

If you would like to access your family photo click the link: 

Photos - Fathers Day Breakfast

Northern Metropolitan Secondary Netball Region Finals

Exciting news for our Year 7 girls who played their second day of competition at the Northern Metropolitan Secondary Netball Region Finals last week. 

Having won all three pool games they progressed to the final. They faced a very strong Melbourne Girls Grammar team in the final and won! 

They were crown Northern Metropolitan Champions and now head off to State Finals being played at Waverley Sport Centre.   An outstanding achievement - congratulations to the team and coaches.

Jodie Wattie

Australian Cross Country Championships

Well done to our Year 8 student, Tyler Fynch, on representing Victoria at the Australian Cross Country National Championships held at Symmons Plains Raceway, Launceston, Tasmania, last Saturday.

The running conditions were very challenging with torrential rain, gail force winds and a muddy, slippery cross country course to navigate.

Tyler had a great run in the brutal conditions to finish fourth, and first Victorian across the line in the U15 4km.

Tyler also claimed bronze in the teams category for Victoria. Congratulations, Tyler, on your outstanding achievement!

Damien Zanic

Year 7 Girls Soccer

Having won the Mickleham Division, our year 7 Girls Soccer Team played in the Northern Metro Region playoffs, and put in a commendable performance. They defeated Wollert 2-0, with goals from Lucinda Bowen and Riley Smith, but narrowly lost to Thornbury 2-0. Their final match against Viewbank ended in a scoreless draw, despite some good chances. Isabelle Salinitri's impressive saves helped keep the team in the game. 

Overall, it was a solid effort from the team. Well done!

Matt Carroll

Year 8 Girls Basketball

On Monday 26 August, the Year 8 girls, coached by Tighe and Zara, competed in the Mickelham Division Year 8 Girls Basketball at Broadmeadows. The girls did really well all day, however, couldn’t quite make it through to the next round.

The team consisting of Arabella, Matilda, Nina, Lexie, Esme and Amelia achieved three wins and just one loss. Zara, the head coach commented: “Although the girls got off to a slow start, they showed a lot of improvement and had fun as the day continued. They fought hard all day

Esme noted: “I enjoyed the day a lot, and the coaches really helped the team and walked us through a lot of stuff we needed to know in the game. It was very fun watching other teams playing also.”

Matilda said: “It was a great day regardless of the end result, as we still went out had fun and tried our best. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without our coaches who impacted the way we played”.

The coaches and players would like to give a massive shout out to Ms White and Ms Chilton for making this day possible.

Zara Conway

Year 8 Boys Basketball

The Year 8 boys had a good day out at Basketball in Broadmeadows on Monday. We started the day off strong with two consecutive wins against Edgar's Creek and Elevation Secondary College, making it all the way to finals! We unfortunately then lost to Wallan Secondary College in a tight match where the boys didn't stop fighting the whole match. 

Overall they played well and had fun and would definitely do it again.

Murphy James

Healthy Burgers - Wednesday 18 September

To celebrate HPE week, students and staff will be able to enjoy a healthy burger on Wednesday 18 September.

Burgers will be $5 and must be preordered by 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟖 𝐒𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 using the trybooking link below. They will be available for collection during lunchtime.

Last week as a school we celebrated English and Library week with a range of activities designed to highlight literacy and the joy of reading. 

Activities were held in the Library throughout the week, culminating in our annual dress up/casual day where both students and staff were invited to dress up as their favourite book character for the day and participate in our book parade at lunchtime.

Our casual day raised almost $800 for Mercy Works Australia. Mercy Works programs provide support to refugees and asylum seekers, nurture well-being and self-esteem and improve students’ literacy and numeracy skills.

Thank you and congratulations to everyone who donated and participated!

Study of Homelessness

This term Year 9 RE students have been studying prophecy and ways to stand up and speak out about an issue. 

Recently they focused on the topic of homelessness, and the organisations that are working towards making a difference to this issue. Pictured here is some of their work that they have researched and collated on two significant services that are making a difference to those without a home.

Year 10 Alpine Camp: An Unforgettable Adventure on the Slopes

This year’s Year 10 Alpine Camp was a remarkable blend of adventure, camaraderie, and personal growth. Held at the picturesque Falls Creek Resort and Howman’s Gap YMCA, the camp offered our students an opportunity to escape the classroom and embrace the great outdoors.

From the moment students arrived, the excitement of seeing snow was palpable. For many students, this had been their first time to go skiing. With snow-capped mountains as their backdrop, they quickly swapped their school uniforms for ski gear. The camp kicked off with a comprehensive safety briefing.

Throughout the week, students engaged in a range of activities designed to enhance their skiing skills, build teamwork, and foster resilience. Daily ski lessons led by experienced instructors helped participants refine their techniques and gain confidence on the slopes.

Whether they were novice skiers or seasoned enthusiasts, every student found a challenge that matched their abilities.

The camp also featured activities such as: rock climbing, archery, a giant swing and group challenges, promoting a sense of friendly rivalry and encouraging personal bests.

Beyond skiing, the camp was an opportunity for students to bond with their peers and teachers in a relaxed, informal setting. Evenings were filled with engaging group activities, including a liturgy, trivia night, a VIP dining experience for the lucky trivia winners and a pyjama dress up. Students also met with their ski groups every night to debrief and reflect on their experiences of that day. These moments helped forge stronger bonds and lasting connections within the year level.

The camp also emphasised the importance of responsibility and self-care. Students took on various roles and responsibilities, from managing their own gear to participating in team-building exercises. These experiences not only enhanced their practical skills but also nurtured their independence and leadership qualities.

Overall, Year 10 Alpine Camp was a tremendous success, leaving students with cherished memories and new skills. As they return to their academic routines, they carry with them the lessons learned on the slopes  -  lessons of perseverance, teamwork, and the joy of embracing new challenges. We extend our gratitude to the staff, parents and students who made this camp such a memorable experience. Here's to many more adventures in the future!

Frayne Speech Festival 2024

On Friday 30 August, some members of our Senior debating team attended the Frayne Speech Festival at Our Lady of Mercy College in Heidelberg.

The Frayne Speech Festival was established in 1996 and is named after Mother Ursula Frayne, leader of the first group of Sisters of Mercy to arrive in Australia from Ireland in 1846. She was not only responsible for beginning Mercy schools in both Perth and Melbourne, she was also a ferocious advocate for education.

In her honour, for over 20 years Mercy schools from all over Australia come together once a year to compete in a festival solely devoted to celebrating the spoken word. We share examples of the ways we can use our voices to share ideas, debate contentious questions and bring joy to the world by bringing poetry to life.

Our students found the experience invaluable observing debates and voice choir competitions. A special thanks to Ms Glynn who accompanied us on the day.

Each year a different Mercy school hosts the festival and we are very excited to announce that Sacred Heart College will be hosting the 2025 Festival.

Sustainability Week – Op Shop Event

Sacred Heart College recently hosted its first-ever Op Shop event. The Op Shop was designed to give preloved clothes a second life, reducing the amount of textile waste that ends up in our local landfills. The event exceeded all expectations, demonstrating the power of our community to come together for a worthy cause.

Not only did this event encourage reusing and recycling, but it also sparked important conversations about the environmental and human toll of the fast fashion industry.

A huge thank you to students, families, and staff that donated a wide range of high-quality clothing items.

Child Poverty Donation - Year 8 'Make a Difference' Project

For my MAD Project, I've been studying child poverty, and I've created a poster and put information in the College Daily Messages for my collection drive. I am seeking donations for Bendigo Sunshine Mums.  The baby and toddler items that can be donated are detailed on the poster attached. 

Your donations of these items will be much appreciated.  Students can leave items at the Student Office and will be taken until the end of Term.

Matilda Matthews 8D

On Monday 2 September, the Year 12 R.E. Project Group: 'Caring for the Environment', visited Cassinia Landcare in Kyneton.

As part of our visit, we had a depot tour and a chat to the Cassinia members, Kim and Laura about tree planting, land conservation overview, protection and restoration and pathways for students. Thanks to Mrs Devine for accompanying us and to our Head of Maintenance, Steve Huntly, for ferrying us back and forth in the mini-bus, as it was a bitterly cold first day of Spring!

It was a great trip, and several of our students got to try on a bit of the safety gear that Cassinia workers use in their land conservation work.

This trip was at the start of ‘Sustainability Week’ and our group is doing a tree-planting exercise at school to finish the whole project off in Week 10. 

Senior Art Student News

Currently our senior Arts students are at work preparing for their all-important end of year artworks, folios, performance exams and school assessed tasks. Here is a snapshot of what a few are up to:

Grace Hedrick – 12 Theatre Studies

"I’m doing Nelly Robinson’s monologue from the Australian play ‘Salt Creek Murders’. It’s about a woman struggling with the guilt of having an affair and her husband’s death, which she may or may not have been responsible for, and it goes through the motions of what she’s feeling in the moment. I’ll perform this to VCAA assessors in Melbourne in early Term 4".

Will Erwin - 12 Media

"I’m making a comedy documentary style film about an immortal knight who is now stuck in the 21st-century and is struggling to adapt".

Alexandra Christo – 12 Visual Communication and Design

"I’m designing a cafe that runs on the train line and educates people on the environment".

Kayla Hogbin - 12 Music

I am going through my repertoire, where I perform a number of songs to VCAA assessors in early Term 4. I am focusing on the difficult parts of each song, doing basically an hour and a half rehearsal every night, to try and make them as perfect as I can, as well as going to my music teacher every Saturday. One song I’m working on at the moment is ‘Burn’ from Hamilton, tricky part of which is the ‘belting’ at the end.

Molly Pankhurst - 12 Art Creative Practice

"I’m doing a tapestry piece. The overarching theme is reclaiming stories of female injustice in Greek mythology from a modern feminist perspective".

Myles Brabham - 12 Art Creative Practice

"I’ve flipped my original theme for Unit 3 entirely into a more positive sense and so my artwork is a large drawing with a lot of different materials in it, of me and my partner. My original idea was ‘loss’ and now I’m doing ‘gain’ the idea of gaining someone that actually cares about me".

Artist Talks

This week our Year 11 Art Creative Practice students were fortunate enough to have shortlisted Archibald prize artist and Sacred Heart staff member Liz Sullivan talk to them about her creative practice. Liz discussed the way she tackles her artwork and it was a great experience for the students and an opportunity to hear from a practising artist about how they organise themselves to get the most out of their artwork and their ‘creative practice’.

Music Matinee

A number of our talented students performed on Tuesday this week as part of our music matinee series. The spring weather really helped us out as we had a concert near the chessboard and some very talented students performing in the courtyard, organised by our Music Captains, Lachie Hyatt and Amelia Walsh.

The students who performed were:

  • Astrid Le Noury  -   Drums  -  Astrid was also joined by Tom Holland - Bass and Tahlia Connell - vocals
  • Loki Perch-Nielsen - Saxophone
  • Coen Cursio-Brundle - Drums
  • Ryan Stratford - Drums
  • Jarvis Lander - Piano
  • We also had a dynamic brother/sister duo of Lachie Hyatt on Drums and Grace Hyatt – bass.