Newsletter 15

20 September 2024

Newsletter 15

20 September 2024

This week’s prayer recognises the significance of Mercy Day (next Tuesday – September 24) for Sacred Heart College and for Mercy schools and ministries across the world. The day celebrates the opening of the first House of Mercy in Dublin by Venerable Catherine McAuley almost 200 years ago in 1827.

Sacred Heart College celebrated Mercy Day last Friday with a splendid whole school assembly that was run by the College Captains and members of the Junior and Senior Cabinets. A real highlight of the assembly was an address by Sr Emma Llewellyn rsm on her life prior to and since profession as a Sister of Mercy. Emma is an alumni of Sacred Heart College having graduated in 2004 and it was a privilege to hear her reflections on a life of service.

Arrangements for the End of Term

Thursday saw the end of term for all students and most College staff. Classes recommence on Monday 7 October 2024.

Student and Staff Activities

The busyness of this term has not slowed with a number of activities occurring in the final weeks of term:

  • Good luck to all Year 10 students who are currently completing work experience placements at an enormous variety of workplaces across the Macedon Ranges and beyond.
  • Congratulations to the Health and Physical Education and the Religious Education Learning Areas who organised and ran a number of special activities over the last two weeks. These activities bring to a close all of the special ‘themed’ weeks that occur across Terms 2 and 3 and add much colour to our winter months.
  • Over the last week, the College community has been electing the 2025 SHC Senior Cabinet positions (including the 2025 College Captains). As part of this, each candidate presented a short speech to the school at an assembly last week. Despite their nerves, each student presented very well and it was heartening to see such diversity of candidates and platforms. The 2025 Senior Cabinet will be announced early next term.


Your prayers are asked for the following families who are mourning the passing of a loved one recently. The Vance family on the passing of Rose Vance, great grandmother of Harper 8C, and the Doria family on the passing of Angelina Lonigro, great aunty of Amelia 8C and Lauren 11B. Our thoughts are with you all at this sad time.

Wishing all Sacred Heart College community members a safe, restful and enjoyable holidays.

Yours in Mercy,

Dr Darren Egberts

Year 12s

Our Year 12 VCE students still have a little way to go with the trial examinations in the second week of the holidays, then, together with the VCE VM students, two final weeks of classes before the VCAA examinations begin in earnest.

The trial exams are important as students complete questions in the real time frame. The results let teachers know the areas of strength and weakness so that the final revision and exam preparation classes can be targeted.

Trial exams are especially important for Year 11 students who are accelerating with one or two Unit 3 & 4 studies. This experience will prepare them for what’s ahead in 2025 in terms of the study that is required and the procedures.

Thanks to our VCE Coordinator Ms Jodie Wattie for coordinating the trial exams and for being on-site to oversee the process in the second week of the holidays.

Good luck to all of our Year 12s over the coming weeks.

Year 10s

The final week of Term 3 is significant for our Year 10s who are currently completing Work Experience placements. This year our students are working in many different industries in many different locations. Feedback from employers so far has been extremely positive.

Interim Reports and Student Progress Interviews

Interim reports covering Term 3 are now accessible on PAM. While you have access to the students’ marks for assessment tasks at all times through PAM, the interim reports include an assessment of the work habits that are relevant for the subjects. These can be a good talking point for the Student Progress Interviews that take place through Teams on Tuesday 8 and Thursday 10 October. Bookings can be made through PAM.

I wish our entire Sacred Heart Community a safe and enjoyable break.

Year 12 RE Project

Over the last four weeks of Term 3 Year 12 RE lessons have focused on RE in action. Students had the option to select one of four ‘Care projects’. Students in each project spent time learning about their care project and performing tasks to help others.

  • Caring for the vulnerable

  • Caring for the environment

  • Cook for Camp Campaspe

  • Caring for the Homeless

Year 12 students in the 'Cook for Camp Campaspe' project used their time planning, cooking meals, and baking for those attending Camp Campaspe these holidays.

Camp Campaspe is a 3 day experience for children from disadvantaged families or circumstances in the Macedon Ranges. They spend the three days during the Term 3 school holidays doing fun activities and learning life skills, with the help of volunteers from our school.

The group made lunches for the children, which included 230 sausage rolls, 25 spinach and ricotta rolls, 6 large pots of bolognese sauce, garlic butter, and over 200 chocolate chip cookies. Over 130 cookies were sold to raise money for the camp, and approximately 60 cookies will be included in their lunch.

The sale of the cookies raised over $130 for the camp, which will contribute to buying resources for the various activities for the children. The Cook for Campaspe group had a lot of fun in the kitchen, earning new skills and fostering a sense of community.

Year 10 Work Experience

The Year 10 work experience program was a valuable opportunity for students to explore potential career paths and gain practical skills. Students selected a variety of workplaces, where they were able to apply their classroom knowledge and learn from experienced professionals. Overall, the program was a success, and many students expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to gain real-world experience. A huge thanks to the Careers Team (Kristina and Lucy), as well as Carmen Stehle and Tori Young for the support they provide our Year 10 students.

Year 12: The Final Push

As Year 12 embarks on the final stretch of their high school journey, they should remember to stay focused and determined. The VCE exams are just around the corner, and it's important to use their time wisely. Review notes, practice past papers, and seek help from teachers if needed. They should believe in themselves and their abilities. They have come a long way since they joined SHC in 2019, and with a little more effort, they should achieve their goals. For students who are not sitting exams, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors as you transition into your next pathway.

SHC Office Hours over the Term 3 Break

Friday 20 September  -  8:00am to 4:00pm

Monday 23 September  -  8:30am to 4:00pm

Friday 4 October - 8:30am to 4:00pm

Any queries outside these hours please ring 5421 1200 and leave a message.

Uniform Shop Hours over the Term 3 Break

Thursday 3 October   -  12:20pm to 4:30pm

Trades & Deliveries:
For all Trades & Deliveries please call the Maintenance Manager - Steve Huntly on 0417 516 542

Our Year 8 Medieval History Incursion took students back to the Middle Ages, immersing them in the rich tapestry of medieval life. Through interactive activities and hands-on experiences, students explored the social hierarchy, customs, and traditions of the Middle Ages. A highlight of the incursion was the dress-up session, where pupils transformed into noble ladies, gallant knights, humble serfs, or pious monks, gaining a tangible connection to the past. By examining medieval weaponry and armour, students appreciated the craftsmanship and ingenuity of the era's artisans.

This event helped to ignite a deeper understanding of history and opened the classes eyes to the impact of history on our lives.

During Religious Education Week, the students have created some some wonderful artwork.  Congratulations to the winners! 

Ayla Furness 8A

Cimella Drinis 11F

Georgia Freeman 12D

Mia Freijah 9E

Molly Pankhurst 12C

Ralema Kome 9D

Sailor Christmass 7F

Trea Harkin 11C

Vivi Xie 7F

On Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 September, Year 9 to 12 French students had the chance to participate in a French ‘Escape Room’ organised by Melbourne University. In teams of 4 or 5 students, they were tasked to complete challenges using French, and find clues to establish what the thief had stolen. They each had a suitcase with 5 different activities, and they also had to find a key in the escape van parked outside. They showed great teamwork, and the ability to problem solve. It was a very fun way to practice their language!

This week, Sacred Heart College celebrated Health and Physical Education Week, with a vibrant array of activities promoting active and healthy lifestyles. Each day began with energizing morning activities, and lunchtimes featured exciting House competitions, culminating in the highly anticipated Staff vs Year 12 students netball match.

Year 12 students were privileged to hear from SHC alumni Lauretta Hanson, Olympic cyclist, and Kate Darby, Geelong Cats AFLW player. They shared their inspiring journeys, highlighting the challenges and dedication required to become professional athletes, motivating students to follow their passions.

Wednesday’s Healthy Burger Day was a standout, offering delicious and nutritious burgers for staff and students. Thank you to Lucy (you are amazing) and the Year 11 VM students for their preparation work. On Thursday, the College community proudly sported their favourite sports or footy colours, with special kudos to the Year 12s for their creative costumes. 

A big thank you to our HPE team, including Georgia and Ange, our College Sports Captains, for making this week a success! Without the support of so many, such a week would not be possible – thank you.

Remember, developing healthy habits like regular exercise, balanced eating, and sufficient sleep is essential for boosting concentration, improving mood, and reducing stress. We hope everyone enjoyed the week, and we encourage you to stay safe and active over the break!

On Wednesday 11 September, our junior debaters participated in Round Two of the Debater’s Association of Victoria competition via Zoom.

The topic for this round was – “Technology has been harmful to learning at school”. Two teams debated the affirmative position, and two teams debated the negative position.

We had several Year 7 students participate in their first school debate. They are all to be congratulated on how well they performed. Our students spend a lot of time preparing and rehearsing their speeches. They are also amazing at how well they all support one another, displaying our true Mercy values. We have a large and very talented group of junior debaters at the College which is so pleasing.

Our last round of competition is next month.

Year 8 Robotics

This term our talented Year 8 Robotics students embarked on an exciting journey of engineering and innovation. Students have been working to build and program their Lego Mindstorm robots to move in the form of shapes, several students successfully used sensors, such as distance recognition to avoid any obstacles. Through this hands-on experience, students gained invaluable skills in problem-solving, teamwork and critical thinking. In our final lesson, students transformed their robots into formidable contenders for a Battle Bot competition where the most robust and well-built robot could win against any competitor! Congratulations to the Battle Bot winners: Khale Smith, Liam Summers, Kai Wattie and Ollie Whykes.

The Year 8 students have been working tirelessly to research and compile their 'Make a Difference' projects that they have spent a Term completing in RE classes. This project has required these students to choose an environmental or social issue to research and make a difference to.

Photographed here are some of the projects that will be on display during the Junior Showcase evening. Feel welcome to visit this exhibition to ask questions and learn more about the issues that matter to these young people of Mercy.

The first-year Animal Care class was delighted to have Perri, a professional dog groomer, visit them on Thursday last week. Perri gave insightful lessons on the profession of grooming. The demonstration of basic skills such as brushing, bathing, and trimming was a great interactive learning opportunity. We especially appreciated her useful advice on caring for various coat types and maintaining a dog's health. We learned about grooming tools and the value of developing trust with animals from the groomer, whose passion for their work was contagious. This visit broadened our perspective and motivated us to handle grooming with care and compassion.

Last Wednesday we went to Edgar’s Mission, based on the outskirts of Lancefield. Edgar’s Mission is a not-for-profit livestock animal sanctuary. They rescue animals that have been neglected by their owners such as sheep, chickens, pigs, donkeys and goats.

Our guide Daniel showed us around the sanctuary and told us the stories about the animals and how they got there. We fed the chickens in the Chicken Village, gave Weetbix to the sheep and patted the pigs down at Piggy Paradise. We learnt a lot about the fact that livestock animals enjoy human contact just as much as our other domestic pets. Their motto is ‘If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others, why wouldn’t we?’, words we can all surely live by.

Sienna Telfer and Luke Winwood (Year 11)

The Year 11 PE class have been looking at Physical Activity in our local community. We spent a lovely sunny afternoon down at the wonderful Croquet Club in Kyneton. The students were helped with their skills and understanding of the game and thoroughly enjoyed their time. 

We are looking forward to our second session and continuing our wonderful relationship with the amazing people down at the club.

Caring for the Vulnerable

I was fortunate enough to work with the Year 12 Religious Education project group ‘Caring for the Vulnerable’. They came to class every time, eager to change the lives of people who are the most vulnerable in our local community. 

These students worked tirelessly to create 76 birthday cards for the residents of Bupa Aged Care.  They also wrote 35 Christmas cards to people in the Bendigo Mental Health unit, along with crochet/knitting several items for the initiative ‘Knit one give one’.

I am very proud of this group of students who are now heading out into the world as people of Mercy.

The Year 11 VCE VM PDS (Personal Development Skills) students are currently presenting their sustainability projects. After visiting Melbourne Zoo and seeing the wonderful projects that the Zoo have initiated, they came back to school with the task of creating an action project of their own. The students have worked in groups on a variety of conservation projects. They have demonstrated excellent planning, organisation, problem solving and project management skills. Bailey, Jackson, Matilda and Miah presented their project on Thursday. They delivered an amazing and professional presentation that showcased the great work and action they had taken. The presentations continue this week and we look forward to seeing the wonderful work the students have completed.

Wednesday 4 September saw over forty students and three staff attend the NMR Athletics carnival at Meadowglen in Epping.

We were greeted by a very windy day, however, it didn’t stop the students giving it their all, with quite a number of students finishing with a  place throughout the day.

We had five students come first in their events who are now automatically entered into States held at the Lakeside Stadium, Albert Park on Monday 21 October. Overall, the school finished in the top ten, coming in tenth out of 51 schools competing. A terrific effort! Thanks to Mr Oreo and Ms Goodsall who attended the day and provided great support for the students.

Congratulations to the following who finished first.

12/13 Girls Discus            - Gracie Cook 

14 Boys 800m & 1500m  - Tyler Fynch 

16 Girls 1500m                 - Sarah Fitzpatrick 

17 Boys Javelin                 - Callum Large 

18/20 Girls 100m              - Ivy Stevens 

Nina Carey in Year 8 has been selected to play soccer with the under 14’s Victorian squad. The team will be playing South Australia and Tasmania next week at the Home of the Matilda’s!   She was also fortunate to have a training session with Chloe Logarzo last week.

Nina is also in the development squad with A-League team Western United.

Congratulations to Nina, we hope you have a wonderful time!

Reminder: VTAC 2025 Upcoming Key Dates

Timely applications through VTAC

Monday 30 September 2024

SEAS applications close

Friday 11 October 2024

Scholarships through VTAC close

Friday 11 October 2024

Also, students applying for courses that have essential requirements (i.e., submitting a folio, a pre-selection kit, arranging an interview, etc.) are reminded that failure to meet the deadline date for these means students may no longer be eligible for selection into their desired course.

Students eligible to apply for SEAS are also encouraged to apply for VTAC Scholarships.

The VTAC website is