Newsletter 3

08 March 2024

This week’s prayer celebrates International Women’s Day (Friday 8 March 2024) and challenges all in society to recognise and affirm the critical place of women across our communities and throughout the world. Sacred Heart College is a Catholic school in the Mercy tradition and as such has the witness and lives of inspirational women such as Venerable Catherine McAuley rsm and Mother Ursula Frayne rsm as foundational narratives for the school.

Notwithstanding these inspirational women and those beloved in our families, there are many countries across the world where women and girls are unable to live full lives, have freedom of expression and dress and have full and unfettered access to education. Friday provides an opportunity to continue to call for equal access to education, work and freedom of movement for all human persons across the world regardless of gender.

Taradale Bus Passengers

In recent weeks, Sacred Heart College has run a private bus for a number of students who would normally access the Taradale PTV run. The run is currently oversubscribed. To continue the run, the College will introduce a co-responsibility charge for students accessing this bus. Full details will be distributed to affected families early next week.

School Activities

As most families will realise, the past couple of weeks have been very busy one for the College:

Currently our Year 8 students are enjoying fabulous weather and the beauty of the Surf Coast at Anglesea YMCA camp.

Last week, our Year 7 students and staff completed their rotations through the Kinglake Camp. Although temporarily interrupted by poor weather conditions, the camps themselves were very popular and successful.

This week, the large Year 7 cohort was formally welcomed into the Sacred Heart College community at the Year 7 Commissioning Mass. The evening included some wise words from College Chaplain, Fr Declan O’Brien and saw each student receive their Year 7 badge and College candle.

    Yours in Mercy, 

    Dr Darren Egberts


    Following a great start to their secondary school life, we formally welcomed and blessed our Year 7s at our Mass and welcome evening on Monday 4 March. Our Welcoming Mass was an opportunity to offer our prayers and hopes for our newest students, as we asked God to be with them through their secondary school journey, and into young adulthood. As a special part of our Mass, we took time to commission our incoming Year 7s, and to present them with a badge and a candle. The badges they received are offered as symbols of our Sacred Heart story, which is an ongoing story that each of our Year 7s now play an important part in. We hope that all Year 7s wear their new badges with pride, and feel the special sense of belonging that comes with being a member of a Mercy community. The candles gifted to each student symbolise their innate value as children of God, and celebrate their calling to be the light of the world.


    Senior School Goal Setting

    Last week senior students started their Goal Setting Process for 2024. Students are to access their Semester 2 (2023) report to identify areas of strength, as well as areas for improvement. Students then access the Senior School Google Site to guide them through this process. Once students complete their reflection, and set their goals, they upload them to a task on SIMON, for their Homeroom. This task can be viewed via PAM.


    Senior school is a very busy space for students, especially with the different pathways, different year level activities and requirements. For that reason, SeniorSchool@SHC has been created as a 'One Stop Shop' for all things relating to the Senior School. SeniorSchool@SHC is a Google site which is accessible for all students. It contains information about and link to VCAA, VCE, VCE VM and VETs. The site also contains information for students who wish to change subjects, access  study skills, goal setting and Year Level Information. Parents, carers and/or guardians wishing to view the site can do so by asking their student.

    Year 11 Mercy Value: Service opportunities

    Living our Mercy values is an important aspect of College life. Year 11 students have several different program opportunities, including the Smith Family: student2student reading program. This program makes a significant difference to the readers. Use the link to find out more about the program: s2s Reading Program. Any Year 11 student who is interested in the program can submit their name to register for this worthwhile program: Smith Family: student2student reading program. Year 11 students also have an opportunity to be involved in the Year 7 Zen Room. Each Tuesday and Friday lunch, H109 is open for our new Year 7 students as a place to spend some time. Year 11 students have an opportunity to spend time with the new Year 7s, playing games and making them feel welcome to the College. Any Year 11 student who is interested in either of these opportunities, please contact Mr Matthews. As the year progresses, more service opportunities will become available.

    Year 8 Camp

    Our delightful Year 8 students are currently enjoying their camp experience at Angelsea, engaging in a variety of exhilarating activities including surfing and skateboarding. According to our Year 8 teachers, the students are thoroughly enjoying themselves and are fortunate to be experiencing wonderful weather. Undoubtedly, this camp will foster stronger relationships among the students, and we anticipate their return home with fond memories and a pleasant exhaustion.

    Year 9 Futsal Competition

    This Tuesday marked the commencement of our Year 9 Lunchtime Futsal competition, with six teams eagerly participating. It was awesome to see students embrace both the fun and competitive spirit of the competition. We look forward to the upcoming weeks as the competition progresses.

    No Phone Policy

    Recent events have urged us to remind students and parents of the importance of our school's no-phones policy in creating a safe environment for learning and connection. This policy is vital for minimising distractions and fostering face-to-face interactions. It also safeguards our students from potential privacy infringements, such as unauthorised filming or photography. We want to stress that any breach of this policy, particularly use of a device to film/record another student will, in accordance with our policy and duty of care, result in significant consequences. We urge you to support our efforts in reinforcing the importance of adhering to the no-phones policy and encourage open communication with your child regarding responsible technology usage. We are committed to ensuring a safe, nurturing, and productive learning environment for all our students.

    VCE Food Studies – Digestion

    Recently the Year 12 Food Studies class completed a 'hands on' practical task to help with their understanding of the process of digesting food.

    We learned about how food enters the mouth and travels all the way to the toilet. Along the way we discovered which enzymes and acids help to break down the food, and how the food is turned into nutrients that the body can use keep us healthy.

    During this activity there was a lot of laughs, whilst also being completely 'grossed out!' Hopefully some of it will stick in preparation for our first SAC.


    Year 7 Camp and Transition to Secondary School

    What an exciting and busy time we have had in the Hilary building with the newest members of Sacred Heart College! The Year 7s have now completed their transition period concluding with the Commissioning Mass on Monday 4 March. It has been wonderful to see them settle into their new space, build relationships and grow as they forge their place in our College community.

    I wanted to take the time to reflect on our wonderful experiences before we get too stuck into the academic year.

    The first week of school was filled with considerable learning about our College and the Year 7s place here. Students participated in relationship building activities, work on character strengths, understanding the ‘nut and bolts’ of our processes and systems, and of course learning how to use those tricky locker combinations. The week finished with two excellent excursions: a BBQ and games at Kyneton’s Botanical Gardens and the 'Splash' waterpark in Craigieburn where students let off steam.

    The other central part of our transition period is the Year 7 camps in Kinglake. The camp was filled with activities aimed at promoting personal growth and preparation for the journey ahead through the outdoor education concept of ‘challenge by choice’. As the year level leader it was a pleasure to get to know our students better and watch them step out of their comfort zone. Celebrating the achievements and milestones at camp and during transition makes me very proud of our College and of course our wonderful students. Something that stood out to me during camp was the respectful, fun and considered way our staff work with each student to learn about who they are as people and how to best support them. I’m sure the winning combination of courageous students and amazing staff will ensure the Year 7 cohort are set up for success!

    We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all families for your continued partnership and support. Your involvement is invaluable in creating a positive and enriching experience for our students.

    NAPLAN 2024 at Sacred Heart College

    Sacred Heart College Year 7 and Year 9 students will be participating in the NAPLAN testing schedule from Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March.

    All students are required to have their laptops fully charged and plug-in listening devices, VCAA regulations prohibit the use of blue-tooth devices -  either mice or listening devices.

    Students will have practice prior to the formal schedule beginning on the Wednesday 13 March. Students who do not have plug-in listening devices will be provided with one and this cost will be billed to the school account for each family. Students will keep the plug in listening device.

    All tests will be conducted in Homerooms under examination conditions.

    Click on the link below to go to the VCAA website for information for the upcoming On-Line NAPLAN assessments Parent Information for NAPLAN

    If you and your student are wishing to become familiar with the NAPLAN online platform that will be used, please go to the public demonstration site at:

    The testing sessions are conducted online and will be done according to the following schedule:


    Period 1

    Period 2

    Period 3

    Period 4


    Year 7 Writing    42M

    Year 9 Writing    42M



    Year 9 Reading   65M


    Year 7 Reading    65M

    Year 9 Language Conventions   45M



    Catch up


    Year 7 Language Conventions   45M


    Year 7 Numeracy   65M

    Year 9 Numeracy   65M






    We were pleased to take our School Captains, Senior Faith Captain and Senior Mercy Justice Captain to the inaugural Young Mercy Links Leadership Formation Conference on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 March. Under the theme ‘Leading in Mercy’, our young leaders spent time in workshops and conversations exploring what it means to lead in a Mercy community. The conference was led by Angela Scarafilo, Coordinator of Young Mercy Links Victoria, and featured presentations from members of the YML community who spoke about their post-school experiences working with the Sisters of Mercy in places such as the UN in New York and the Metta Karuna Reflection Centre in Cambodia. Across the two days of the event, our senior captains had opportunities to network with their peers in other Mercy secondary schools, and spent time in strategic planning for their own year of leadership ahead.

    This year’s Project Compassion theme ‘for all future generations’ asks us to support vulnerable communities, such as Leaia’s who we highlight below, and to walk in solidarity with our global neighbours as they face the challenges of today and seek to build a better tomorrow.

    Meet Leaia, who lives with her five children, husband, brother and sister-in-law on the island of Upolu in Samoa. Samoa, like Australia, is surrounded by water, and yet people like Leaia face daily challenges in accessing a clean and reliable source of water. Leaia’s home was not connected to a piped water system, so they had to rely solely on rainwater collected in old fridges. When this ran out, Leaia had to walk with her children to collect water in buckets from a neighbour down the street.

    Leaia’s is only one such story of hardship. Caritas’ Project Compassion, which runs over the period of Lent raises awareness and funds for thousands of children, women and men around the world who are facing extreme poverty and who have to go to extraordinary lengths to meet basic needs such as food, water, education or healthcare.

    Over the past few weeks, Year 10 students have been learning about Caritas’s work in their RE elective class, ‘Prayer through supporting Social Justice’ and getting ready for the cookie bake sale. It came together on Monday 26 February, when they ran a fundraising activity ‘Cookies for Caritas’ raising funds for Project Compassion, Caritas Australia’s annual fundraising campaign. United in the hope of creating ‘a better tomorrow for all future generations’, students helped plan, organise, promote, bake and sell cookies during lunchtime. The cookies were freshly baked, delicious and sold like ‘hotcakes’!

    It was truly touching that so many students and staff came out to support the cause. Students raised $238.70, which can help put a toilet or a washing sink in someone’s home who is in need.

    It was heartwarming to observe the Year 10s working together for a common cause and living the mercy value of Justice through this act of service. Such an event would not have been possible without their efforts, enthusiasm and commitment and of course, that of several staff members.


    Our annual Caritas Ks campaign has begun in earnest, with Year 7 students participating in this event as part of their Reflection Day. Across the week, all Year 7 Home Groups will take part in a Caritas Ks activity, whereby they are invited to carry 4L of water for at least 1km, in solidarity with those who must walk long distances each day to collect drinking water. We are always impressed with the good humour and spirit that our Year 7s bring to the event, with many choosing to walk (or run!) much further than the 1km minimum. We also appreciate the support of family members and friends, who sponsor the efforts of our Year 7s by making donations to Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion campaign on their behalf.

    If you would like to donate to the Project Compassion Campaign please click this link:



    There have been several reported cases of Gastro within the College community and our local community. Gastro is highly contagious, so if your child is unwell with possible gastro symptoms, please don’t send them to school. If your child presents to First Aid with any gastro symptoms, you will be notified to collect your child. Please help us to stop the spread of Gastro at the College. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Jalna Holmes, Health Centre Coordinator on 5421 1200.

    Immunisation Program

    Year 7 and Year 10 secondary school students can receive free immunisations as part of the National Immunisation Program.
    Vaccines given as part of the Secondary School Immunisation Program are delivered in school settings by nurse immunisers from local council immunisation providers.

    Students in Year 7 (or aged 12 to 13) receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) combined vaccine. Year 7 students at Sacred Heart College, will receive their vaccinations on Monday 29 April 2024.

    Students in Year 10 (or aged 14 to 16) receive the Meningococcal ACWY vaccine. Year 10 students at Sacred Heart College, will receive their vaccine on Thursday 18 April 2024.

    Parents and Carers can say no to the offer of free, secondary school-based immunisations for their child. If you wish to do so, you should decline your consent online via the link below.

    To provide your consent response (yes or no) to the year 7 vaccines, please click here
    To provide your consent response (yes or no) to the year 10 vaccines, please click here

    If you have any questions that are not answered by the information provided with the consent link, contact your GP or your local council immunisation service.
    Learn more: https://www.betterhealth.vic.g...
    Alternatively, you can contact Jalna Holmes, Health Centre Coordinator on 54211 200.

    GET VET!

    Vocational Education and Training (VET) allows a student to complete nationally recognised training as a part of their Year 10, VCE or VCE VM program – just like any other subject!

    VET qualifications provide industry exposure and experience in the workplace reinforcing skill development. There’s a wide variety of VCE VET courses available; some are offered on site at SHC, and others are external to the school and the students attend a TAFE.

    At SHC we currently offer five VCE VET certificate courses on campus – Animal Care, Automotive, Construction Pathways, Cookery (scored) and Sport and Recreation (scored) with an additional two usually included – Business and Horticulture.

    Students who include a VET as part of their program at SHC are always excited to share their experiences and participate in everything a VET has to offer. Choosing a VET is one of the best things a student can do when selecting their subjects.

    This week I dropped into the Year 1 Certificate II in Animal Care VET class and was lucky enough to have Maggie and Peanut (the animal’s names, not the students!) pose for a quick picture.

    There will be plenty more photos of our VET students in future newsletters too, showing us what they do and how they GET VET!

    Please contact Helen Campbell - VAL Leader/VET Coordinator at the College, for further information about VETDSS and how a VET might enhance your student’s learning experience.


    Year 10 Religious Education Gallery Walk

    On Tuesday 5 March, the Year 10 Religious Education students collaborated to produce a ‘Gallery Walk’ experience to celebrate and share the work they completed on their experience of different forms of prayer. This is part of their current unit of work in Religious Education.

    This ‘Gallery Walk’ was a presentation of the different forms of prayer that each class experienced which included student learnings, achievements, challenges, and work samples from the various prayer forms they studied.

    The students were able to choose which form of prayer they wanted to study for four lessons with each RE teacher offering the following to students: prayer through meditation, prayer through drawing, prayer through social justice, words and images of prayer, prayer through nature journaling, and prayer through music and dance.

    A big thank you to the Year 10 students who presented their work to their peers during the ‘Gallery Walk’ and a massive thank you to their Religious Education teachers who prepared and delivered these specialized prayer form lessons.

    Welcome back Korey!

    Last week we welcomed back Korey, a student from our French sister school, who spent the day in conversation practice with a selection of French classes from Year 7 - 12. Korey visited SHC last year as part of the exchange delegations from Lycée Notre Dame du Roc. He returned to spend some time with his host family from last year and was keen to come into school to catch up with some old friends. Korey was joined by his sister Adenais. It is testament to the exchange program that we have seen many examples of intercultural connection and ongoing communication between students and their families.

    Study Tour to France

    Our connection to our sister school Lycee Notre Dame du Roc will be strengthened over the next month as we send a group of 16 students and 3 staff on exchange. The group will visit Lycee Notre Dame du Roc for a week of school experience and homestay, and will also spend time touring around key tourist attractions in France. We wish them a safe trip and look forward to sharing some of their stories and photos with you in coming weeks.

    Last Wednesday the Sacred Heart College Senior Debating Team participated in Round One of the Debater’s Association of Victoria, Ballarat Division competition. DAV Schools Competition has over two hundred and fifty schools, fifteen hundred teams, four grades, twenty regions, five rounds and a seven-night finals series, making it the largest English-language debating competition in the world!

    Both of our senior teams debated against Ballarat Grammar & Clarendon Grammar and the topic was the negative position of ‘That schools should ban contact sports’.

    The competition was intense from both sides and our two teams got great scores. Unfortunately, both of our teams lost but by a very small margin. We are super excited about Round 2 on 6 March. Go SHC!!!

    Levi Gordon 9B

    Intermediate Cricket

    The Year 9 and 10 Boys Cricket Team displayed their skills on the field in some entertaining games last Wednesday. In the first game against Hume Grammar, the team delivered a solid performance with Hume Grammar scoring 2/99 off 9 overs. Their star batter led the charge with an impressive 79 runs. In reply, Sacred Heart put up a valiant effort but ultimately fell short in chasing down the total. Luke Cameron scored 46 and Lewis Bond contributed 24 as they batted through the innings, with the team finishing at 0/79 off their 9 overs.

    In the second game, Sacred Heart continued their strong form with a solid batting performance, scoring 4/114 from 10 overs. Jett Liddicoat and Henry Bobetic stood out as batters, scoring 29 and 25 respectively. The highlight of the match was Ethan Raynor being 'Mankad' by an excited Craigieburn bowler. However, payback was swift as Ethan removed the bails to run out the same opposition player for a diamond duck. In response, Craigieburn finished with 5/72 from their 10 overs.

    Intermediate Boys' and Girls' Volleyball

    Students from Years 9 and 10 participated in the Intermediate Boys’ and Girls’ Volleyball on  Wednesday 21 February. The first round took place at the YMCA Leisure Centre in Epping with both the boys and girls teams playing two games each. The girls unfortunately lost both games but were very competitive, winning a set in their second game. 

    The boys were fortunate to win one game against Edgars Creek Secondary College, but lost their second game. Both teams needed to win all games in order to progress to the next round.

    Stations of the Cross: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

    The Stations of the Cross follow the story of Jesus, as he is taken to be crucified. It is a deeply moving story about the existence of suffering and injustice in our world, and a story that calls us to respond with courage and compassion. As we journey through the season of Lent, we invite students and staff to contemplate the meaning of the Stations of the Cross in their own lives. In particular, we draw attention to Station 6: “Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus”.

    Veronica was a friend of Jesus. She walked with him, as he was led to his death. Veronica could not stop what was happening, but knew that she could stay with her friend, and offer him comfort and kindness, even at this darkest time. Veronica’s act of compassion and kindness was inherently dignified and worthwhile. It is always an act of grace to reach out in comfort to another person. To take their hand in yours, and to say: I am here with you; I care; you are not alone. As visible signs of our own desire to reach out in comfort and care to the world around us, we have begun hanging strips of coloured fabric to some of our deciduous trees, symbolising the cloth that Veronica lifts to the face of Christ. As we move deeper into autumn and the leaves begin to fall, the presence of these cloths continue to bring colour and hope into our community.

    THE ARTS IN 2024!

    The start of the 2024 school year has been a busy time for various subjects in The Arts. Over the next few newsletters, we will focus on a variety of different subjects within The Arts Learning Area, and have a look at what they’re up to.

    Year 9 Media students, with Mr Ben Gallagher, have been looking at how different camera angles and shots are used in films to tell a story, and have been filming and editing a series of ‘exercises’, focusing on using and editing angles and shots in sequence. They’re also loving wearing the new hi-vis 'MEDIA STUDENTS FILMING' vests in the yard when filming and you’ll see below a few shots of them, posing in their ‘high viz’!

    Year 10 Media students, with Mrs Carla Matthews, have been looking at the structuring of time in film. They are in the process of storyboarding and creating their ‘My Day in 60 Seconds’ task, where they try to condense their day into one minute, using film editing techniques. We look forward to seeing their finished work in the coming months!

    Year 12 Art - Creative Practise students, with Mrs Anne Berend, are hard at work developing ideas for their folios and their final artworks, which the public will get to see much later in the year!

    Year 9 Visual Communication and Design students, with Ms Kirsten Gibson, have been looking at shading and the art of 3D rendering and using shade, tone, texture and colour in drawing and design.

    We have some exciting news and events coming up this year in The Arts, so watch this space!


    Newsletter 3

    08 March 2024

    This week’s prayer celebrates International Women’s Day (Friday 8 March 2024) and challenges all in society to recognise and affirm the critical place of women across our communities and throughout the world. Sacred Heart College is a Catholic school in the Mercy tradition and as such has the witness and lives of inspirational women such as Venerable Catherine McAuley rsm and Mother Ursula Frayne rsm as foundational narratives for the school.

    Notwithstanding these inspirational women and those beloved in our families, there are many countries across the world where women and girls are unable to live full lives, have freedom of expression and dress and have full and unfettered access to education. Friday provides an opportunity to continue to call for equal access to education, work and freedom of movement for all human persons across the world regardless of gender.

    Taradale Bus Passengers

    In recent weeks, Sacred Heart College has run a private bus for a number of students who would normally access the Taradale PTV run. The run is currently oversubscribed. To continue the run, the College will introduce a co-responsibility charge for students accessing this bus. Full details will be distributed to affected families early next week.

    School Activities

    As most families will realise, the past couple of weeks have been very busy one for the College:

    Currently our Year 8 students are enjoying fabulous weather and the beauty of the Surf Coast at Anglesea YMCA camp.

    Last week, our Year 7 students and staff completed their rotations through the Kinglake Camp. Although temporarily interrupted by poor weather conditions, the camps themselves were very popular and successful.

    This week, the large Year 7 cohort was formally welcomed into the Sacred Heart College community at the Year 7 Commissioning Mass. The evening included some wise words from College Chaplain, Fr Declan O’Brien and saw each student receive their Year 7 badge and College candle.

      Yours in Mercy, 

      Dr Darren Egberts


      Following a great start to their secondary school life, we formally welcomed and blessed our Year 7s at our Mass and welcome evening on Monday 4 March. Our Welcoming Mass was an opportunity to offer our prayers and hopes for our newest students, as we asked God to be with them through their secondary school journey, and into young adulthood. As a special part of our Mass, we took time to commission our incoming Year 7s, and to present them with a badge and a candle. The badges they received are offered as symbols of our Sacred Heart story, which is an ongoing story that each of our Year 7s now play an important part in. We hope that all Year 7s wear their new badges with pride, and feel the special sense of belonging that comes with being a member of a Mercy community. The candles gifted to each student symbolise their innate value as children of God, and celebrate their calling to be the light of the world.


      Senior School Goal Setting

      Last week senior students started their Goal Setting Process for 2024. Students are to access their Semester 2 (2023) report to identify areas of strength, as well as areas for improvement. Students then access the Senior School Google Site to guide them through this process. Once students complete their reflection, and set their goals, they upload them to a task on SIMON, for their Homeroom. This task can be viewed via PAM.


      Senior school is a very busy space for students, especially with the different pathways, different year level activities and requirements. For that reason, SeniorSchool@SHC has been created as a 'One Stop Shop' for all things relating to the Senior School. SeniorSchool@SHC is a Google site which is accessible for all students. It contains information about and link to VCAA, VCE, VCE VM and VETs. The site also contains information for students who wish to change subjects, access  study skills, goal setting and Year Level Information. Parents, carers and/or guardians wishing to view the site can do so by asking their student.

      Year 11 Mercy Value: Service opportunities

      Living our Mercy values is an important aspect of College life. Year 11 students have several different program opportunities, including the Smith Family: student2student reading program. This program makes a significant difference to the readers. Use the link to find out more about the program: s2s Reading Program. Any Year 11 student who is interested in the program can submit their name to register for this worthwhile program: Smith Family: student2student reading program. Year 11 students also have an opportunity to be involved in the Year 7 Zen Room. Each Tuesday and Friday lunch, H109 is open for our new Year 7 students as a place to spend some time. Year 11 students have an opportunity to spend time with the new Year 7s, playing games and making them feel welcome to the College. Any Year 11 student who is interested in either of these opportunities, please contact Mr Matthews. As the year progresses, more service opportunities will become available.

      Year 8 Camp

      Our delightful Year 8 students are currently enjoying their camp experience at Angelsea, engaging in a variety of exhilarating activities including surfing and skateboarding. According to our Year 8 teachers, the students are thoroughly enjoying themselves and are fortunate to be experiencing wonderful weather. Undoubtedly, this camp will foster stronger relationships among the students, and we anticipate their return home with fond memories and a pleasant exhaustion.

      Year 9 Futsal Competition

      This Tuesday marked the commencement of our Year 9 Lunchtime Futsal competition, with six teams eagerly participating. It was awesome to see students embrace both the fun and competitive spirit of the competition. We look forward to the upcoming weeks as the competition progresses.

      No Phone Policy

      Recent events have urged us to remind students and parents of the importance of our school's no-phones policy in creating a safe environment for learning and connection. This policy is vital for minimising distractions and fostering face-to-face interactions. It also safeguards our students from potential privacy infringements, such as unauthorised filming or photography. We want to stress that any breach of this policy, particularly use of a device to film/record another student will, in accordance with our policy and duty of care, result in significant consequences. We urge you to support our efforts in reinforcing the importance of adhering to the no-phones policy and encourage open communication with your child regarding responsible technology usage. We are committed to ensuring a safe, nurturing, and productive learning environment for all our students.

      VCE Food Studies – Digestion

      Recently the Year 12 Food Studies class completed a 'hands on' practical task to help with their understanding of the process of digesting food.

      We learned about how food enters the mouth and travels all the way to the toilet. Along the way we discovered which enzymes and acids help to break down the food, and how the food is turned into nutrients that the body can use keep us healthy.

      During this activity there was a lot of laughs, whilst also being completely 'grossed out!' Hopefully some of it will stick in preparation for our first SAC.


      Year 7 Camp and Transition to Secondary School

      What an exciting and busy time we have had in the Hilary building with the newest members of Sacred Heart College! The Year 7s have now completed their transition period concluding with the Commissioning Mass on Monday 4 March. It has been wonderful to see them settle into their new space, build relationships and grow as they forge their place in our College community.

      I wanted to take the time to reflect on our wonderful experiences before we get too stuck into the academic year.

      The first week of school was filled with considerable learning about our College and the Year 7s place here. Students participated in relationship building activities, work on character strengths, understanding the ‘nut and bolts’ of our processes and systems, and of course learning how to use those tricky locker combinations. The week finished with two excellent excursions: a BBQ and games at Kyneton’s Botanical Gardens and the 'Splash' waterpark in Craigieburn where students let off steam.

      The other central part of our transition period is the Year 7 camps in Kinglake. The camp was filled with activities aimed at promoting personal growth and preparation for the journey ahead through the outdoor education concept of ‘challenge by choice’. As the year level leader it was a pleasure to get to know our students better and watch them step out of their comfort zone. Celebrating the achievements and milestones at camp and during transition makes me very proud of our College and of course our wonderful students. Something that stood out to me during camp was the respectful, fun and considered way our staff work with each student to learn about who they are as people and how to best support them. I’m sure the winning combination of courageous students and amazing staff will ensure the Year 7 cohort are set up for success!

      We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all families for your continued partnership and support. Your involvement is invaluable in creating a positive and enriching experience for our students.

      NAPLAN 2024 at Sacred Heart College

      Sacred Heart College Year 7 and Year 9 students will be participating in the NAPLAN testing schedule from Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March.

      All students are required to have their laptops fully charged and plug-in listening devices, VCAA regulations prohibit the use of blue-tooth devices -  either mice or listening devices.

      Students will have practice prior to the formal schedule beginning on the Wednesday 13 March. Students who do not have plug-in listening devices will be provided with one and this cost will be billed to the school account for each family. Students will keep the plug in listening device.

      All tests will be conducted in Homerooms under examination conditions.

      Click on the link below to go to the VCAA website for information for the upcoming On-Line NAPLAN assessments Parent Information for NAPLAN

      If you and your student are wishing to become familiar with the NAPLAN online platform that will be used, please go to the public demonstration site at:

      The testing sessions are conducted online and will be done according to the following schedule:


      Period 1

      Period 2

      Period 3

      Period 4


      Year 7 Writing    42M

      Year 9 Writing    42M



      Year 9 Reading   65M


      Year 7 Reading    65M

      Year 9 Language Conventions   45M



      Catch up


      Year 7 Language Conventions   45M


      Year 7 Numeracy   65M

      Year 9 Numeracy   65M






      We were pleased to take our School Captains, Senior Faith Captain and Senior Mercy Justice Captain to the inaugural Young Mercy Links Leadership Formation Conference on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 March. Under the theme ‘Leading in Mercy’, our young leaders spent time in workshops and conversations exploring what it means to lead in a Mercy community. The conference was led by Angela Scarafilo, Coordinator of Young Mercy Links Victoria, and featured presentations from members of the YML community who spoke about their post-school experiences working with the Sisters of Mercy in places such as the UN in New York and the Metta Karuna Reflection Centre in Cambodia. Across the two days of the event, our senior captains had opportunities to network with their peers in other Mercy secondary schools, and spent time in strategic planning for their own year of leadership ahead.

      This year’s Project Compassion theme ‘for all future generations’ asks us to support vulnerable communities, such as Leaia’s who we highlight below, and to walk in solidarity with our global neighbours as they face the challenges of today and seek to build a better tomorrow.

      Meet Leaia, who lives with her five children, husband, brother and sister-in-law on the island of Upolu in Samoa. Samoa, like Australia, is surrounded by water, and yet people like Leaia face daily challenges in accessing a clean and reliable source of water. Leaia’s home was not connected to a piped water system, so they had to rely solely on rainwater collected in old fridges. When this ran out, Leaia had to walk with her children to collect water in buckets from a neighbour down the street.

      Leaia’s is only one such story of hardship. Caritas’ Project Compassion, which runs over the period of Lent raises awareness and funds for thousands of children, women and men around the world who are facing extreme poverty and who have to go to extraordinary lengths to meet basic needs such as food, water, education or healthcare.

      Over the past few weeks, Year 10 students have been learning about Caritas’s work in their RE elective class, ‘Prayer through supporting Social Justice’ and getting ready for the cookie bake sale. It came together on Monday 26 February, when they ran a fundraising activity ‘Cookies for Caritas’ raising funds for Project Compassion, Caritas Australia’s annual fundraising campaign. United in the hope of creating ‘a better tomorrow for all future generations’, students helped plan, organise, promote, bake and sell cookies during lunchtime. The cookies were freshly baked, delicious and sold like ‘hotcakes’!

      It was truly touching that so many students and staff came out to support the cause. Students raised $238.70, which can help put a toilet or a washing sink in someone’s home who is in need.

      It was heartwarming to observe the Year 10s working together for a common cause and living the mercy value of Justice through this act of service. Such an event would not have been possible without their efforts, enthusiasm and commitment and of course, that of several staff members.


      Our annual Caritas Ks campaign has begun in earnest, with Year 7 students participating in this event as part of their Reflection Day. Across the week, all Year 7 Home Groups will take part in a Caritas Ks activity, whereby they are invited to carry 4L of water for at least 1km, in solidarity with those who must walk long distances each day to collect drinking water. We are always impressed with the good humour and spirit that our Year 7s bring to the event, with many choosing to walk (or run!) much further than the 1km minimum. We also appreciate the support of family members and friends, who sponsor the efforts of our Year 7s by making donations to Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion campaign on their behalf.

      If you would like to donate to the Project Compassion Campaign please click this link:



      There have been several reported cases of Gastro within the College community and our local community. Gastro is highly contagious, so if your child is unwell with possible gastro symptoms, please don’t send them to school. If your child presents to First Aid with any gastro symptoms, you will be notified to collect your child. Please help us to stop the spread of Gastro at the College. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Jalna Holmes, Health Centre Coordinator on 5421 1200.

      Immunisation Program

      Year 7 and Year 10 secondary school students can receive free immunisations as part of the National Immunisation Program.
      Vaccines given as part of the Secondary School Immunisation Program are delivered in school settings by nurse immunisers from local council immunisation providers.

      Students in Year 7 (or aged 12 to 13) receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) combined vaccine. Year 7 students at Sacred Heart College, will receive their vaccinations on Monday 29 April 2024.

      Students in Year 10 (or aged 14 to 16) receive the Meningococcal ACWY vaccine. Year 10 students at Sacred Heart College, will receive their vaccine on Thursday 18 April 2024.

      Parents and Carers can say no to the offer of free, secondary school-based immunisations for their child. If you wish to do so, you should decline your consent online via the link below.

      To provide your consent response (yes or no) to the year 7 vaccines, please click here
      To provide your consent response (yes or no) to the year 10 vaccines, please click here

      If you have any questions that are not answered by the information provided with the consent link, contact your GP or your local council immunisation service.
      Learn more: https://www.betterhealth.vic.g...
      Alternatively, you can contact Jalna Holmes, Health Centre Coordinator on 54211 200.

      GET VET!

      Vocational Education and Training (VET) allows a student to complete nationally recognised training as a part of their Year 10, VCE or VCE VM program – just like any other subject!

      VET qualifications provide industry exposure and experience in the workplace reinforcing skill development. There’s a wide variety of VCE VET courses available; some are offered on site at SHC, and others are external to the school and the students attend a TAFE.

      At SHC we currently offer five VCE VET certificate courses on campus – Animal Care, Automotive, Construction Pathways, Cookery (scored) and Sport and Recreation (scored) with an additional two usually included – Business and Horticulture.

      Students who include a VET as part of their program at SHC are always excited to share their experiences and participate in everything a VET has to offer. Choosing a VET is one of the best things a student can do when selecting their subjects.

      This week I dropped into the Year 1 Certificate II in Animal Care VET class and was lucky enough to have Maggie and Peanut (the animal’s names, not the students!) pose for a quick picture.

      There will be plenty more photos of our VET students in future newsletters too, showing us what they do and how they GET VET!

      Please contact Helen Campbell - VAL Leader/VET Coordinator at the College, for further information about VETDSS and how a VET might enhance your student’s learning experience.


      Year 10 Religious Education Gallery Walk

      On Tuesday 5 March, the Year 10 Religious Education students collaborated to produce a ‘Gallery Walk’ experience to celebrate and share the work they completed on their experience of different forms of prayer. This is part of their current unit of work in Religious Education.

      This ‘Gallery Walk’ was a presentation of the different forms of prayer that each class experienced which included student learnings, achievements, challenges, and work samples from the various prayer forms they studied.

      The students were able to choose which form of prayer they wanted to study for four lessons with each RE teacher offering the following to students: prayer through meditation, prayer through drawing, prayer through social justice, words and images of prayer, prayer through nature journaling, and prayer through music and dance.

      A big thank you to the Year 10 students who presented their work to their peers during the ‘Gallery Walk’ and a massive thank you to their Religious Education teachers who prepared and delivered these specialized prayer form lessons.

      Welcome back Korey!

      Last week we welcomed back Korey, a student from our French sister school, who spent the day in conversation practice with a selection of French classes from Year 7 - 12. Korey visited SHC last year as part of the exchange delegations from Lycée Notre Dame du Roc. He returned to spend some time with his host family from last year and was keen to come into school to catch up with some old friends. Korey was joined by his sister Adenais. It is testament to the exchange program that we have seen many examples of intercultural connection and ongoing communication between students and their families.

      Study Tour to France

      Our connection to our sister school Lycee Notre Dame du Roc will be strengthened over the next month as we send a group of 16 students and 3 staff on exchange. The group will visit Lycee Notre Dame du Roc for a week of school experience and homestay, and will also spend time touring around key tourist attractions in France. We wish them a safe trip and look forward to sharing some of their stories and photos with you in coming weeks.

      Last Wednesday the Sacred Heart College Senior Debating Team participated in Round One of the Debater’s Association of Victoria, Ballarat Division competition. DAV Schools Competition has over two hundred and fifty schools, fifteen hundred teams, four grades, twenty regions, five rounds and a seven-night finals series, making it the largest English-language debating competition in the world!

      Both of our senior teams debated against Ballarat Grammar & Clarendon Grammar and the topic was the negative position of ‘That schools should ban contact sports’.

      The competition was intense from both sides and our two teams got great scores. Unfortunately, both of our teams lost but by a very small margin. We are super excited about Round 2 on 6 March. Go SHC!!!

      Levi Gordon 9B

      Intermediate Cricket

      The Year 9 and 10 Boys Cricket Team displayed their skills on the field in some entertaining games last Wednesday. In the first game against Hume Grammar, the team delivered a solid performance with Hume Grammar scoring 2/99 off 9 overs. Their star batter led the charge with an impressive 79 runs. In reply, Sacred Heart put up a valiant effort but ultimately fell short in chasing down the total. Luke Cameron scored 46 and Lewis Bond contributed 24 as they batted through the innings, with the team finishing at 0/79 off their 9 overs.

      In the second game, Sacred Heart continued their strong form with a solid batting performance, scoring 4/114 from 10 overs. Jett Liddicoat and Henry Bobetic stood out as batters, scoring 29 and 25 respectively. The highlight of the match was Ethan Raynor being 'Mankad' by an excited Craigieburn bowler. However, payback was swift as Ethan removed the bails to run out the same opposition player for a diamond duck. In response, Craigieburn finished with 5/72 from their 10 overs.

      Intermediate Boys' and Girls' Volleyball

      Students from Years 9 and 10 participated in the Intermediate Boys’ and Girls’ Volleyball on  Wednesday 21 February. The first round took place at the YMCA Leisure Centre in Epping with both the boys and girls teams playing two games each. The girls unfortunately lost both games but were very competitive, winning a set in their second game. 

      The boys were fortunate to win one game against Edgars Creek Secondary College, but lost their second game. Both teams needed to win all games in order to progress to the next round.

      Stations of the Cross: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

      The Stations of the Cross follow the story of Jesus, as he is taken to be crucified. It is a deeply moving story about the existence of suffering and injustice in our world, and a story that calls us to respond with courage and compassion. As we journey through the season of Lent, we invite students and staff to contemplate the meaning of the Stations of the Cross in their own lives. In particular, we draw attention to Station 6: “Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus”.

      Veronica was a friend of Jesus. She walked with him, as he was led to his death. Veronica could not stop what was happening, but knew that she could stay with her friend, and offer him comfort and kindness, even at this darkest time. Veronica’s act of compassion and kindness was inherently dignified and worthwhile. It is always an act of grace to reach out in comfort to another person. To take their hand in yours, and to say: I am here with you; I care; you are not alone. As visible signs of our own desire to reach out in comfort and care to the world around us, we have begun hanging strips of coloured fabric to some of our deciduous trees, symbolising the cloth that Veronica lifts to the face of Christ. As we move deeper into autumn and the leaves begin to fall, the presence of these cloths continue to bring colour and hope into our community.

      THE ARTS IN 2024!

      The start of the 2024 school year has been a busy time for various subjects in The Arts. Over the next few newsletters, we will focus on a variety of different subjects within The Arts Learning Area, and have a look at what they’re up to.

      Year 9 Media students, with Mr Ben Gallagher, have been looking at how different camera angles and shots are used in films to tell a story, and have been filming and editing a series of ‘exercises’, focusing on using and editing angles and shots in sequence. They’re also loving wearing the new hi-vis 'MEDIA STUDENTS FILMING' vests in the yard when filming and you’ll see below a few shots of them, posing in their ‘high viz’!

      Year 10 Media students, with Mrs Carla Matthews, have been looking at the structuring of time in film. They are in the process of storyboarding and creating their ‘My Day in 60 Seconds’ task, where they try to condense their day into one minute, using film editing techniques. We look forward to seeing their finished work in the coming months!

      Year 12 Art - Creative Practise students, with Mrs Anne Berend, are hard at work developing ideas for their folios and their final artworks, which the public will get to see much later in the year!

      Year 9 Visual Communication and Design students, with Ms Kirsten Gibson, have been looking at shading and the art of 3D rendering and using shade, tone, texture and colour in drawing and design.

      We have some exciting news and events coming up this year in The Arts, so watch this space!
